What does it mean to love?
I have changed as I have gotten older. I have changed A LOT!! I had knew I was different but today it really dawned on me just how much I had changed over the past few years. And I must say, I am...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for little bit of sleep last night! Thank you that Zac is a strong healthy boy and even in sickness his body is getting stronger! Thank you that even in my weakness, I am strong in...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night. Thank you for touching Zac and strengthening him! Thank you that EVERYTHING you allow into our lives is perfect for us and needed for our growth and maturity in...
View Article“Power Pyramid” week 2b- back and arms
Oh my! It has been a week. Zac started getting sick on sunday and by monday he was running a fever and was miserable. The current strain of flu around smallville is tough right now and it kept down...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for some good sleep last night. Thank you for helping Zac to sleep all night without coughing. Thank you for keeping me healthy! Thank you for who you are! Thank you for all that...
View Article“Power Pyramid” week 2b-legs
Beautiful colors in the sunset last night! David took pity on me last night and let me stay home with the monchers, not that I got to bed any earlier for whatever the reason but I did get to relax a...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this season which is in remembrance of Jesus birth! Thank you for sending a Savior to this broken and sinful world! Thank you for the shed...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep last night. Thank you for this beautiful day! Thank you for who you are! Thank you that I can trust you completely, even in my darkest moments and deepest...
View Article“Power Pyramid” week 3 a- chest and back
I have had a sinus headache for two days now and it feels like someone has a knife in my skull. But I have to say that as bad as a sinus cold is, it is way better than the flu that everyone else...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night! Thank you that in you I have perfect peace! Thank you for your blood that covers my sins and makes me whole! Thank you that through your victory over death, I...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for some good sleep last night. Thank you for who you are! Thank you for your help and strength in all things! Thank you that in you I have perfect rest! I want to know you more!...
View Article“Power Pyramid” week 3a- arms and legs
I hate that I am only blogging my workouts twice a week right now but we are so busy that it is hard to get sat down and put the mental energy into putting a blog together. Weak excuse I know but it...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for a new day that I can shine bright for you! Thank you for your word which is ALWAYS true and ALWAYS on point for my life! I pray this for my...
View ArticleWhere to in 2013!
Ahhhhh the new year!! Or should I say the NEW YEAR!! A new beginning is always a good thing, even if you dont think it is, it is! One just has to change their mindset! So much of our personal...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for who you are! Thank you for your faithfulness to me at all times! Thank you for good health and keeping me from the enemys attack of sickness...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this new day that is made by you! Thank you for who are! Thank you that I can trust you with ALL things! Thank you for all the blessings that...
View ArticleNew Years Thoughts on Fitness and Health!
It is now the year 2013! As a kid the movies depicted 2020 with flying cars and cities in the sky. I dont think we are going to be there with the way we are going. In fact I would be surprised if we...
View Article“Power Pyramid” 1/3 way thoughts and rambles
Well, I am not sure if I really like this program or not. It is my own fault as I am the one who came up with all of it. I am not sure if two weeks of light weights and high reps and then two...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for the wonderful husband and children that you have given to me! Thank you for a career that I love and can glorify you in! Thank you for...
View Article“Power Pyramid” week 4b- chest and back
I started this dang post on Monday and here it is Thursday and I am just now getting back to it. I am not sure if I have really been that busy or just that lazy Had a good weekend if I remember...
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