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“Power Pyramid” week 3a- arms and legs


I hate that I am only blogging my workouts twice a week right now but we are so busy that it is hard to get sat down and put the mental energy into putting a blog together.  Weak excuse I know but it is what it is!  :)

Yesterday was thursday and it was arm day.   Up and out of bed at 4:30 and off to the gym by 6.


preacher curls SS with french press at same weight and reps

*40# for 15

*45# for 12

*50# for 9

*55# for 5

I had meant to start at 30# but wasnt thinking or something and loaded it at 40 and kept thinking, I cant believe how heavy this feels!   I am such a dork!


concentration curls

*15# for 15

*10# for 20

*8# for 25

*5# for 40

I tried something different and it was not very effective and I wont be doing the heavy to light again at least not at such light weights!


close grip bench

*45# for 20

*65# for 15

*85# for 10

the heavier one goes the more help the pecs start giving and the less effective this exercises is.   I probably wont be doing it again for this program.


lateral raises

*5# for 20

*10# for 15

*15# for 12

*20# for 10



*20 for 2 sets

incline situps


We had a bazillion dog spays and thenthe attempt on the broken leg from wednesday.


It was an intact male heeler who had been off in places he shouldnt have been and had gotten himself shot.  I tried for about an hour to put it all back together but the whole backside of the distal fragment was completely blown away and there just wasnt enough bone left to hold the pin.  We called the owner and they decided to just have the leg amputated.  They also wanted him neutered and come to find out the bullet had gone through both testicles before entering his leg and shattering his femur!  I am not sure if the person who shot him was a good shot or a really bad shot!

We had a little dachshund come in at the end of the day for peeing all over the place and blood in the urine.  The dog was only three years old and had a huge stone in its bladder!!


We had them leave it so we could take it out today.

Our last appointment was two horse castrations.  The clouds were starting to build on the mountain and holy moly did they come in fast.   By the time I got started the sky was black and before I was done it was raining and very cold!!  The mountain was completely covered and then almost as fast as it came, it left!


We had bible study last night and it was late to bed and the dang little frenchies, as cute as they are, whine and cry an awful lot at night!


The alarm went off at 4:30 and out of bed I rolled and headed off to the gym around 6.  I had to stop by circle k to get some gum because I can not do a leg workout without it! :)


leg press

*400# for 20

*450# for 18

*500# for 15

*550# for 12

*600# for 10

I still have a stupid sinus headache and it made for a tough leg press day!


seated leg curls

*75# for 15

*85# for 12

*95# for 10

*105# for 10

and that was all for today.  I am a total slacker and got the heck out of there before my head blew up!


Since the little bladder stone dog had spent the night we did her first.  The poor things bladder was about a half an inch thick and looked so irritated.  I bet she will feel like a whole new dog in a few weeks!

IMG_7669 Ouch!!  Glad it wasnt in my bladder!

I had a massage today and at least my back and neck feel better!  My head still hurts but it isnt too bad as long as I dont have any hair accessories in!

Tomorrow I have to go to a ranch in willcox and bleed some bucking horses and a few other things.  As much as I hate working on saturdays, sometimes I dont have a choice.  It shouldnt take but the first half of the day so I should have adequate time for a nap when I get home :D




Couldnt resist a couple more pictures :)

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