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“Power Pyramid” week 2b- back and arms


Oh my!  It has been a week.  Zac started getting sick on sunday and by monday he was running a fever and was miserable.  The current strain of flu around smallville is tough right now and it kept down and down good for three days.   Emma had it on tuesday but was back to normal by wednesday.   Poor Zac was so tired of being sick that he cried all night tuesday.   I felt horrible for him but there wasnt anything I could do other than hold him.  Needless to say I am tired!  Not that that is anything new! :)

So let me try to remember what has gone on the past few day.   Tuesday morning I rolled out of bed at 4:30 and was late to the gym again because of an iced up windshield and just generally moving slow!  I must say that I do like this new schedule with legs on friday though :)


T bar rows

*25# for 25

*35# for 20

*45# for 15

*50# for 12

*65# for 10


wide grip pulldowns

*50# for 20

*60# for 18

*70# for 16

*80# for 14

*90# for 12

I had both babies home sick so I did not do my HLRs and I am totally ok with that :)

We only had a few surgeries one of which included amputating the front leg of a rabbit.  That was interesting, didnt take very long and I am just glad it lived through anesthesia.   Then Devri and Billie April and I hit the road to do a farm call in willcox to vaccinate and PI test over 500 hd of heifers.


Devri was the keeper of the PI numbers.


DSCF3090 Billie April was the tatooer who got green ink everywhere!!


The farm pig :)


Getting the evening meal!

It was late when we got done and cold.  It took 5 hours to get them all done and we were all exhausted afterwards.

Zacs worst night was tuesday night and he was up vomiting and crying all night.  I felt so bad for him and was glad that wednesday was my off day from the gym so I could help him take a bath and get settled in.

Our surgery schedule was freaking crazy on wednesday morning and I was short staffed and had to call Jenn in on her day off with her still sick from the flu to help us get through everything.  It was non stop all day and at the end of it I was just glad that it was over!!

Zac was still pretty feverish last night and I ran a bath for him and no sooner had he gotten in it and he puked up all over in it!  Bleck!  I asked him if he wanted to get out and he just shook his head and laid down in the puky water!  Poor baby!  He did feel better post vomiting and actually slept good which was nice because I got more sleep than I had been getting!

I got up again very reluctantly at 4:30 and it took everything in me to make myself go to the gym but one cant start allowing themselves to make excuses and not go or else before you know it you havent gone in years and you are 50# over weight!!


seated db curls SS w overhead tri extensions

*10# for 30/*10# for 30

*15# for 22/*15# for 20

*20# for 15/*20# for 10

*25# for 20/*25# for 20 (had to go to single db because wrists just arent strong enough)  :(


reverse cable curls SS w v bar tri pushdowns

*30# for 225/*60# for 25

*40# for 20/*70# for 20

*50# for 15/*80# for 15

*60# for 10/*90# for 10



*20 fr 3 sets

It was a very lackluster workout but at least it was a workout!

The surgery schedule was once again extremely busy, thank you Jesus!  I did all the routine surgeries and then went and donated blood with only the femoral head and neck osteotomy left to do.   The guy taking my blood would not stop talking.  LOL

Zac has done very well all day.  He hasnt eaten for days and is all skinny and looks like a parvo pup :)


But at least he is smiling and back to his more normal self.

Bailey came back in this afternoon to have her staples removed!  She looks so good!  She has gained weight back and her owner says she is completely back to normal.


We have a few more appointments and then it is off to bible study.  I wonder if David would be upset at me if I stayed in the office and took a nap :)



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