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Where to in 2013!



Ahhhhh the new year!!  Or should I say the NEW YEAR!!   A new beginning is always a good thing, even if you dont think it is, it is!  One just has to change their mindset!  So much of our personal issues are because we allow ourselves too much time feeling sorry for ourself!   Its true and if you stop and examine yourself and be honest, you will agree.   This world is so full of whiny woes me, its everybody else fault and I am such a victim, that it is no wonder there are so many disorders going around today!  Enough soapboxing for this entry :)

I am not much of a resolution person but I do like to set a few goals for the new year.  Goals, yes, I know, much the same as a resolution but to me goals have more weight, they arent made to be broken like resolutions appear to be.  I find setting small attainable goals helps me to actually reach them and thereby allows even more goals to be set and achieved and thereby I am not sitting around feeling sorry for myself but actually doing something with my life that will make me feel good about it!

So what are my goals for this coming New Year?  That is a fantastic question and one that David asked me last night and I had no answer but have given it some thought this morning and I figured putting it out there would make me more dedicated to it!

Goals for 2013



as a christian my desire is to draw closer to God.  To make Him center of my life ALWAYS, not just when things are going bad or are difficult.   I want to wake up each day in prayer and end each day in prayer and be in prayer all day.  It isnt easy, continual prayer, but it is something that I want to be better at and to grow in.


I am a horrible wife.  I admit it, I know it.  I dont try to be horrible but I dont try to be good either.  After working all day at the clinic I am tired and crabby and tend to whine too much.  I rarely ever cook and am not very good at making the monchers pick up all their junk so that the house is in better shape.   I want to do better at being a better wife and this will be one of my hardest goals to achieve because David never complains about how horrible I am!


Emma is not a needy kid.  She is very independent and doesnt really like to be touched or held or loved and she is way over dramatic.  All of that makes it difficult for me to want to hang out with her because she is either pushing me away or being so whiny and dramatic that I dont want to be near her!   BUT that is not a good excuse to not try harder to be with her and to teach her that such attitude is not good.  Plus she needs to be most assured that I love her unconditionally!!


Zac is very easy for me to love.  He is a mammas boy and actually wants to be around me.  BUT he has a tendency to behave badly and use that against me to get me to give into him.   He will do or say something that he shouldnt and then get all sullen up and look at me like I am the one who is wrong and then he will go to his room and shut the door.  The mom in me wants to go and make it all better BUT that is NOT the best thing. He needs to learn that he can not and should not manipulate through his behavior and actions and as his mother it is my responsibility to teach him that.


I want to be a more compassionate veterinarian.  I want every client to know that I really do care about their pet and them.  I want the love of Christ that is in me to shine forth to them in such a way that they know that I am a believer and a christian.  I want to be a better boss, not like being better so that everybody loves me but better as in being a better leader.  To teach my employees to be the best that they can be and to know that I expect nothing less from them!  To end the year with less mistakes than last year by everybody!


To improve my performance in the gym.  To try harder at the exercises that I dont like and to push myself past my comfort zone in all exercises!   To eat better, yes, everyones goal is to eat better but I should really be better at this.  I did well for a few years and the past six months have completely fallen off the wagon!  I also am now the proud owner of a very nice treadmill and I want to use it 3 days a week.


Well that sums up most of the areas in my life.  I am sure there are many others that I should list and if I put more thought in it I would have a list that never ended :)    My life is pretty simple and I like it that way.  I do not need to be known for anything, I dont need to be popular, I dont need for the wold to know I exist, I just need to be the best me that I can be!

So what are your goals?  Are you trying to be a better you or are you trying to make it someone elses job to make you better?  Will you take responsibility for who you are and why you arent where you might want to be and do something about it?  I say, lets try it!  Lets stop giving the government and everyone else control of our lives and take it back and make it our responsibility to take care of ourselves!


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