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The Road to Relentless- a weeks worth of workouts – week 6


I am a very huge slacker, horrible, terrible, no good blogger!  It is a good thing that I make my living at being a veterinarian and  not a blogger because I would starve and be living on the streets!  I will say that I find it amazing that people can actually make a living blogging.  Good for them.   I couldnt do it because to be honest, to be a good blogger you need to be either controversial, which I can be but I dont argue well because, well because I want to win and I want everyone to see my point!  Or you have to be real artsy crafty or funny of which I am none of those!  So, I work on saving peoples pets or just taking care of them.  I would love to work all day just saving them, that makes my job awesome but there are more just taking care of then there is saving.  Ah well, I love it all!

So picking up from a week ago when I last put forth the effort to post a workout!  Saturday Zac had a football game so I got up early and headed off to the gym.

upper body explosive


I cant remember any of what I did :/  It wasnt that great anyway.


After workout was football.  Zacs team actually won a game!  They only played him on offense which was ok from the standpoint that he kept his energy up and he played very well but I really missed watching him on defense.  Blocking isnt that exciting to watch but having him pressuring the quarterback or chasing the receiver is cool :)


Pre game!








He is so handsome :)


This poor kid got crushed a few times.


Great smile after the game!



He won the hammer award!!


After the game I decided it was a good time to move all my hay since I couldnt find any young kid who wanted to work to earn some money!   It sucked but it makes one feel good after a few hours of doing hard labor.


Before (dont mind the dead horse covered up by the tarp)


After!  My horses think they are at the all you can eat buffet.


Sunday was church and then Devri did my finger nails.  We had a nice chat and amazingly enough there were no emergencies or interruptions.

Monday morning it was back up at 3:45 and off to the gym for some squats.

lower body max


*45# for 10

*95# for 5

*115# for 5

*135# for 5

*155# for 3

*175# for 3

*185# for 3

*195# for 3

*205# for 3
box pause squats

*155# for 2 sets of 5

db RDL

*65# for 3 sets of 8


band leg curls

*single for 2 sets of 12, double for 2 sets of 12


serrano split squats

*3 sets of 8

incline situps

*2 sets of 20




It has been a very busy week at the office and for the most part there was not much exciting the first few days just a lot of people and pets coming in the door that needed help.

We had a night of some pretty cool sunsets at football practice.





They also took team pictures!




Wednesday was up at off to the gym for some bench.  I was all happy because I had finally remembered to order bands and they had come in tuesday afternoon.  I got to the gym wednesday morning and was getting stuff ready and I realized that it was only one band :(  Really, only one.  My common sense mind just figured that there would be two since it seems like 95% of the time you always use two.  Anyway, one more week of not using bands so it was just plain heavy bench.


upper body max


*45# for 10

*65# for5

*95# for 5

*115# for 5

*135# for 3

*145# for 1

*150# for 1

*155# for 1

*135# for 2 sets of 3

incline db press

*40# for 3 sets of 10


barbell rows

*115# for 5 sets of 10


Y&T incline

*10# for 3 sets of 12


rope pushdowns

*90# for 4 sets of 10


cable rope curls

*90# for 4 sets of 10


incline situps

*2 sets of 20



Yesterday brought in a bone surgery on a cat.  I am always amazed when someone actually wants to fix a broken bone on a cat as most people around here seem to think of them as disposable and opt to have them euthanized and just get another one.







It came together pretty well.

The kids spent the night at their aunts house last night and so it was early to bed and I was so unprepared for the alarm to go off this morning.


lower body explosive


*45# for 10

*95# for 5

*115# for 5

*135# for 5

*155# for 5

*165# for 7 sets of 1 (which was supposed to be 2 but I am stupid and for some reason only did 1 :/ )





*135# for 5

8185# for 5

*225# for 6 set of 1

back raises

*140# for 5 sets of 12


seated leg curls

*105# for 4 sets 10

incline situps

*2 sets of 20



I am so glad it is friday.  I think my patience meter is way past expired!  I am going to try to get up early tomorrow and get to the gym and get my workout in before Zacs game in Morenci.  It is his birthday tomorrow and we are having a surprise, not surprise, party for him that afternoon.  He didnt want any of his classmates nor any of his football team to come.  He is such the introvert.  So there will be a jumping castle for him, Emma, and Peanut and baby Ganin if he comes.



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