It took me most of the day to get the last post done so I am just going to combine these two workouts and try and get this done before it gets any later and I get any further behind.
Sunday was a good day consisting of church and emergencies and some football and a lot of rain. It started to rain and it poured for about an hour and it rained!!
looking out the front door.
Charlie loved it but the horses not so much.
The sunset was beautiful!
I got up monday and headed off to the gym. For some reason Julias attachment for my weekly program didnt come through and at 4 am in morning I dont have much time to be exchanging emails so I went back a few weeks and did a workout I had sucked on and imagine that I sucked at it again :/
safety bar squats
*62# for 5
*82# for 5
*102# for 5
*152# for 3
*172# for 3
*192# for horrible terrible no good nothings
box squats
*165# for 3 sets of 5
glute/ham raises
*3 sets of 12
single leg squats w rear leg elevated
*25# db for 3 sets of 8
single leg glute bridge
*3 sets of 10
side bends
*45# for 3 sets of 10
incline situps
*2 sets of 20
it was a very disappointing workout :(
Work has been the usual stuff which makes it a bit boring but at least it is busy and that is good.
Zac has been doing well at practice and he is working hard and it seems like everything is getting better since the disaster of saturday. One of his teammates came up to me monday night and asked if I knew that they had given Zac a nickname. I told him no and he informed me that they called him Moose! Zac is not convinced yet that moose is a good strong name but we have all assured him that it is.
Rolled out of bed at 3:45 this morning and off to the gym.
Upper body
*45# for 5
*65# for 5
*75# for 5
*95# for 5
*115# for 3
*135# for 3
pin press
*145# for 1
*155# for fail
*150# for 1
*155# for 1
*160# for 1
learned that one cant relax when the weight touches the pins but rather must stay tight and touch and go.
incline db press
*35# for 4 sets of 10
incline db chest supported rows
*35# for 4 sets of 12
rolling db extensions
*20# for 6 sets of 8
Y&T incline
*10# for 3 sets of 12
The Y
And the T
incline situps
*2 sets of 20
We are very short staffed today but it was alright because we havent been super busy. Wednesdays are our slowest day and it has been consistent today but not crazy.
We are waiting for a chihuahua to come in from Pima that has been trying to have puppies since 3 yesterday. Nothing like rushing it right in. And as is typical of such dystocias the owners dont have any money. Drives me crazy that people let their little dogs get knocked up and then get mad because they actually are expected to pay to save its life.