My dearest Zachary,
Today I was praying for you as I drove to Phoenix. Do you know that I fast and pray for you almost every week? You and your sister are the most important people in my life along with David! It is my job as your mother to pray for you, to intercede for you, to seek God on your behalf! I am to raise you according to the word of God and I can not do that if I am not reading the bible and praying!
You struggle so much with school. Not because you aren’t smart but because you are like your mom and you don’t really like to try very hard. You want everything to come easy. I understand that because I am much the same way. But my beloved son, life is hard! Life will always be about making yourself try harder and not always liking what you have to do!
I was praying and asking God to help you. I was asking Him to make you smarter so that reading and math would be easier for you. Do you know what He told me? He told me that you need to struggle! Things that come easy do not teach us anything! It is the struggle that teaches and trains us! It is the struggle that strengthens us! It builds our character, it molds us into who we were meant to be! We learn perseverance and to continue on even when it is difficult! We get endurance for life! We learn to appreciate the work that others have put forth to get to where they are! We build respect for ourselves and others. We teach ourselves to be successful and we gain wisdom and knowledge!
Isn’t that amazing? All this school work that you hate, the difficulty that you have, it is all molding and shaping you! It is preparing you for the road ahead! If it were easy then you would never truly enjoy success! If it were easy you would be weak and not able to bear up under the load of the weight of trials that are to come! If it were easy you would not have the endurance to finish the race!
It is your struggle that makes you stronger! God has a perfect plan for your life! I do not know what that is but I know that these times of struggle are preparing you for it! Isn’t that awesome!? Ten, twenty, fifty years down the road God is molding you to withstand the storm! You will be a mighty warrior in His army!
You, my dear son, you are going to stand and stand therefore because God is making you strong in your current struggle! When the trials come and the tribulation is all around you, you will have no fear for you will know that God has prepared you for that very day!
I will no longer pray that God makes it easier for you, I will pray that God will strengthen you and give you the determination to push through even though it is hard! I will pray for wisdom to lead you and guide you on your way! I will pray for you my son! That is the best gift I will ever be able to give you!
All my love,