I tried to sit down last night and type out my workout but I just couldnt do it. There is something about driving 2 hours and then working a bunch of bulls and bleeding a few wild horses and driving home another two hours after doing a full surgery schedule in the morning, that just exhausts me these days. I am not sure if it is because I am getting older, lazier, out of shaper or all of the above but I just went and got ready for bed and laid down and by the time David and the kids got home from bible study, I was pretty much a goner as Zac would say.
Wednesday we had a client bring in an apple pie and some apple bread and it was good and I ate pretty much the entire damn crust of the pie. I told myself I was carb loading for deads :) It was a poor excuse but I did think about it when I wanted to stop in the middle of my sets. :)
Deads reps
I HATE deads for reps. I used to not mind them because I always just used light weights and so it was never any big deal but since being on an actual program that makes you do a higher percentage of your 1RM, I hate rep day!!
Warm up on the dreadmill blah!!
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*135# for 2 sets of 8
*185# for 2 sets of 5
*225# for 2 sets of 3
*275# for 2 sets of 1
*300# for 3 sets of 5
I did full stop reps which I think are good from the standpoint that you have to concentrate on your form more AND they dont seem to be quite as exhausting as touch and go :) yes, I am odd.
The rest of the workout was lack luster and sucked! I had zero drive and just wanted to be done.
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*7, 5, 3
seated V bar rows
*90# for 3 sets of 15
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We had surgeries scheduled for the morning and then Billie April and Bama and Vince, Billies boyfriend, and I all loaded up and headed up the road to the Roosevelt. :) You have to say it like that, The Roosevelt. We semen and trich tested just shy of 40 head of bulls and then I castrated a cryptorchid colt and drew blood on some wild ponies and euthanized an old mare and we headed home.
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I slept awesome last night and had Red James not just repositioned himself I would have been sound asleep when my alarm went off.
OHP heavy
dreadmill warm up for ten minutes
*45# for 2 sets of 8
*65# for 2 sets of 5
*85# for 2 sets of 3
*90# for 1
*95# for 1
*100# for 1
these actually felt pretty good.
*85# for 8
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lateral raises
*20# for 3 sets of 10
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bb curls
*65# for 3 sets of 10
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hammer bar curls SS db hammer curls
*35# for 12 SS *20# for 8
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I am so very glad it is friday and that I dont have to get up tomorrow morning at 4 am to drive to Tucson ! I have had several clients tell me today that I look very tired and I have to agree with them. My face is very drawn and looks horrible and my ass has grown two sizes this week!
It has been a busy day and there is only a few hours left of it here and then it is home to watch a movie or something with the kids and go to bed and sleep and hopefully sleep and sleep and do a bunch of nothing other than go and have my massage :)
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