At the end of the day yesterday we had a gal bring in this poor little dachshund cross dog that had started having puppies on friday and was now very sick. I have to tell you that I really struggle with being nice to people like that. She said that it had had four pups and then had one stuck for a long time and hadnt had any more. Well it was obvious that she had more pups in there as you could see them and they had NOT even bothered to call and ask or anything until 5pm on monday night! Grrrrrr! The poor little thing was sooo sick. Somehow she begged, borrowed or stole the money and had us do the surgery. The poor little thing lived although as of yet, they havent been by to pick her up.
My dear husband is sick and he is snoring very loudly so about midnight I went and slept on the couch. It is not very comfortable. Up at 4 and out the door about 5.
bench heavy
dreadmill warm up for ten minutes
*45# for 2 sets of 8
*95# for 2 sets of 5
*115# for 2 sets of 3
*135# for 1
*140# for 1
*145# for 1
*150# for 1
*125# for 8
felt pretty good. still trying to remember to keep my elbows in.
incline db press
*55# for 3 sets of 8
db pullovers
*65# for 2 sets of 8
lying tri extensions
*45# for 4 sets of 12
*2 sets of 30
We had a farm call this morning to go and semen test bulls in Klondyke. It is pretty out there and everything went pretty smooth. We did 26 hd of bulls in about 2 hours so that was good. Found out on the ride home that Bama is leaving :( She does an awesome job but has to make some adjustments for her family and I completely understand but I still dont like it. We have a very good crew here and everyone is like family and it makes me a bit ill to think of having part of that family leave.
Bama is the absolute best semen collector ever!!
She makes the bulls very happy.
Thank goodness for generators or we wouldnt have power.
We made it back to the clinic about noon and didnt have afternoon appointments scheduled until 3 so it has been kind of nice to just hang and visit. But that being said, the appointments are starting to come in and I have got to get to work. :)