Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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The Cube cycle 3 wave 3 week 2 – squats reps


It is back to Monday.   There are times when I am amazed at how fast the years go by!!  I still remember being a young girl on the farm and having all these dreams of what I wanted to do when I grew up and thinking that I would never get there!!  Now it has been 17 years since I became a veterinarian and it feels like only a few!  I guess that means I am truly doing what I was meant to do which makes me one of the few lucky ones!


Charlie gets sad when his family leaves.

Horse races again this past weekend.  Only one weekend left and I am very grateful for that!!  Saturday there were only 7 races and afterwards I dropped the kids off to play laser tag while I did some shopping.  Not that I need anything but I had nothing else to do.   We went back to Sullivans and had a great dinner.  Emma won some fake mustaches at the laser tag place and so she walks into this fairly decent restaurant wearing one of them, it was great!


Sunday morning the kids wore mustaches into the Good Egg and they filled out my lasix cards.  It was great!



Sunday there was supposed to be 8 races but they cancelled after the third because a wheel on the harrow had the bearings go out and they have no other back up plan.  I have to tell you that I cant believe it took such an event for the chief steward to get mad and call the races off.  I came to them on the third week and complained about the track conditions and they didnt really seem to care.   All I will say is if they had done something earlier, maybe the track guy would have actually taken care of the equipment and done maintenance on it so it wouldnt have broke down.

I did get lots of work done that morning so it wasnt a completely wasted day.


hernia repair and castration

photo(1599)Caslicks on a filly


All while wearing my new RP tank :)

We got home about 5 and stopped by the grocery store and picked up some stuff and went home and had dinner and went to bed.  It was nice to be home early!

Up before 4 and out the door a little after 5.

squats reps

dreadmill warm up for ten minutes.



*45# for 2 sets of 10

*95# for 2 sets of 5

*135# for 2 sets of 3

*185# for 1

*190# for 3 sets of 5

I really thought I was getting parallel on these buggers but alas, I was short!  Thats why one needs to video their lifts because what you feel, isnt always what you are doing! :(


front squats

*135# for 3 sets of 6



overhead squats

these were very ugly but at least I got a few of them done today unlike last week where I couldnt get them figured out to save my life!



glut/ham raises

*2 sets of 15





Incline situps

*45# for 20,15

it is amazing how long it takes for the abs to recover after over a week of coughing to death every night!



Today has been pretty darn good for a monday.   We had seven cat castrations as surgeries which only takes about 45 seconds to do all of them.  That left only about 5 real surgeries and a dental so it all went smooth and we were done before noon.

The afternoon is actually really slow as several people have cancelled and a few have only been technician appointments.  It is kind of nice to have a slow monday!:)

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