I am very glad it is friday. I think I say that every week but every week I am just as glad even though I have to work the weekend! I think maybe it is just the change in routine!
Slept alright last night and rolled out of bed a bit before 4 and was out the door a bit after 5.
OHP explosive
dreadmill warm up for 10 mins, blah, hate it
*45# for 2 sets of 8
*55# for 2 sets of 5
*65# for 2 sets of 3
*75# for 1
*80# for 5 sets of 2
I moved my grip in some and I think it is a good thing. Always a struggle to remain open minded!
*65# for 3 sets of 10
bb curls
*70# for 3 sets of 8
hammer db curls
*25# for 3 sets of 12
It wasnt too bad of a morning. Surgeries went smoothly and we finished about 11 and then it was on to walk ins and dentals and such. We are artificially inseminating a pit bull bitch because the male cant seem to get it done. No survival of the fittest here :)
I ran home quickly and made me an egg sandwich and it was back to the office. We just had a big lab type pup come in that had been run over and has a fractured pelvis and has broken the head of the femor off. After our last appointment I will do a femoral head and neck osteotomy on him since I will be gone all weekend. There is no sense in him being that painful until monday!