I really really hate it when I delete my whole post and push one too many buttons so that I cant undo it!
Yesterday was off day from the gym. We had a busy surgery schedule in the morning with appointments and walk is mixed in. The afternoon was a ranch call to castrate 6 colts and spay a ranch dog.
The ranch from the ridge!
I had to practice my horse whispering techniques on all of them as they were not broke.
But I managed to get them all injected without getting kicked, pawed or bit!
Time to go to sleep!
No more huevos!
Letters helped with one but she got to needy and had to go back to the truck.
An old church on the ridge.
We are the team!!
We got back to the clinic about 4:30 and took care of what needed done and then it was off to watch Emma at karate and then home for dinner and bed.
Up this morning after not much sleep thanks to dogs that were restless and wanting out and then in and then out and then in.
deads explosive
*135# for 3 sets of 5
*185# for 3 sets of 3
*225# for 3 sets of 1
*230# for 8 sets of 3
I tried very hard to be explosive and just pull and not over think!
trap bar deads
*225# for 5
*275# for 3
*225# for 5
I struggled with the higher weight and finding a good grip point. I decided to just drop it back down and use my versa grips and all was good again.
total suckage at these today!
bent over rows
*95# for 3 sets of 10
We had a very busy morning at the clinic and didnt get everything cut on that needed cut on but there is always tomorrow!! Things are going to be a bit crazy and disorganized for a few days or weeks as my head receptionist is out of town for two and a half weeks to be with her mother who is having knee replacement surgery. I will say that today hasnt been too bad. The girls at the front desk have done a pretty good job with everything so I am very hopeful!
Well, the lobby is crammed full of people and is standing room only so I had best go see whats slowing everything up as nobody has been back here to tell me anything for about 10 mins.