Ahhhh it is 7 pm and I am just getting around to writing up this post! It has been yet anther long day. Long days are the normal these days.
Yesterday afternoon was a very very busy afternoon. We didnt get caught up until after 6 and then had a dog come in on emergency that had been run over by its owner and was bleeding pretty bad in its lungs. We hospitalized and got fluids going and it was after 7 by the time I walked out the door for home. I was most happy to get to bed!
Up this morning at 4 and out the door after five.
bench heavy
treadmill for 10 mins. blah, I hate it!
*45# for 3 sets of 5
*95# for 3 sets of 3
*115# for 2 sets of 1
*125# for 5 sets of 2
these felt alright. I need to work on keeping my elbows in as they tend to flare out when I am getting tired.
pause bench
*115# for 3 sets of 6
close grip bench
*95# for 3 sets of 6
incline bench
*115# for 2 sets of 4
lying triceps extensions
*45# for 4 sets of 12
and that was it for the day as I ran out of time.
The morning surgeries seemed to take forever to get going on and it almost 1 before we got done. We had a load of race horses show up from Tucson at 1 as I was walking over to have lunch so it was a very quick bite to eat and then off to work.
There were four horses that needed joints injected and the mares needed to be caslicked. It took over an hour to get them all done and then it was in for afternoon appointments that were non stop and go go go until 5:30. Then it was off to watch Emma do her tip testing for karate! Whew.
Punchy came into heat and so we also threw her on the surgery table and spayed her. She has been miserable all day poor thing!
The other eventful thing that happened today was the owners of Charlies girlfriend brought her up and gave her to me. She is about a year old and they are having aggression issues with her. She is a very sweet dog but a big dog that needs a firm hand and they are afraid of her. She has bitten the woman twice and growls at the man and they are scared and thinking about putting her down. I offered to take her and see if being with the masses will help her settle down. She doesnt have any social skills and needs a lot of work. Charlies dad is going to come up and take her and work with her for a few months to see if we can salvage her behavior. She is a beautiful and sweet dog and I am hopeful that all will work out.