It is very warm here in southeastern arizona, unusually warm for this time of year and as much as I like that, we really need some moisture and some snow on the mountain or there will be no watering my lawn this summer and I cant have that
Yesterday was just another day in the constant onslaught of days that often seem to be much the same. I like days when we get emergencies in and broken legs and other such neat things, not that I wish harm on anyones pet but those things are fun when they are fixable, or they can be fun. The surgeon in me like to say, a chance to cut is a chance to cure! Yep, I like fixing broken things.
Slept good last night and didnt wake up until 3:40! For me that is really good as generally the dogs will have me up several times during the night to let one or more of them out and then in and then out and then in. We really need to get a doggy door installed, a big one!
Out the door about 5:15
deads heavy
walked on the dreadmill for about 10 mins and stretched out the hammy good and had no issues with it today.
*135# for 10
*185# for 5
*225# for 3
*285# for 5 sets of 2
these felt way heavier than they should have :( I did pull the last two sets without shoes on but I honestly dont think it makes that big of a difference at least not at this weight. I understand the thought of maybe one is adding an extra inch or creating an inch deficit but I cant feel how it changed that much and it dang sure didnt stop me from rounding my damn back!
stiff legged deads
*135# for 4 sets of 10
as I was doing these I remembered that I was going to start warming up with romanian deads. I need a personal secretary
I did these with a bit wider grip and was pleased to get as many as I did. It isnt a great number but better than nothing.
It has been a crazy day today. Surgeries took until 12:30 and afternoon appointments started at 1:30 and were busy and then oddly slow until a mass number of people from 3:30 until after 5. We had a poor little mini donkey come in that had been attacked by a mastiff in Willcox and its face was shredded. I laid it down and it tried to die on me. Thank the LORD that epinephrine brought it back to life and it was breathing and beating well when it headed home.
I am definitely ready for this day to be over. Tomorrow night Zac and I drive to phoenix after work because we fly out early saturday morning to deliver a puppy to my uncle. It is going to be a busy couple of days.