Yesterday ended with an equine castration and a mini burro that had been attacked by a dog and was all tore up on her face. She tried to die on me after I induced anesthesia and thank the LORD that the epinephrine kicked right in and she came back! She had several areas of her jaws that were broken and a lot of tearing damage. She will eventually be ok but it will be a bit of a haul for her!
Got home and helped Emma with her math homework. She struggles in math not because she doesnt get it but because she tries to go to fast and doesnt pay attention and gets distracted and upset and it all goes downhill. We worked on it for about an hour and I told her she had to stop because she was not thinking very well and she was tired and it doesnt do any good to push it when she has more time during the weekend to finish it.
Slept pretty good and was up at the usual time and dropped Emma off at her aunts as she is going to Santa Fe, New Mexico to celebrate her second cousins first birthday. Zac got up and came to the gym with me although he never wants to be there very long.
OHP explosive
warm up on the dreadmill for 10 mins
*45# for 3 sets of 5
*55# for 2 sets of 3
*65# for 2
*70# for 8 sets of 3
*45# for 2 sets of 20
db curls dropset
*35# for 8 drop to 20# for 10 for 2 sets
reverse grip straight bar curls
*35# for 3 sets of 10
and that was it as Zac was driving me crazy with being whiny because he was hungry.
We had fourteen or sixteen or something surgeries this morning. Things have been moving along pretty smoothly. The afternoon is double booked and I imagine it will crazy and go by fast. After work Zac and I head to phoenix for the night and we are flying to Salt Lake City to deliver a little puppy to my uncle. She was turned over to the clinic because her owners couldnt afford to treat her for parvo and were going to put her to sleep. She is very cute and my aunt and uncle are retired so she will be spoiled beyond measure! We fly up and back on saturday and hopefully get home before bedtime on saturday
My dogs all sleeping in a chain at the foot of my chair before morning surgeries.