Monday was a long long long time ago, feels like it was years ago right now. This has been a busy and physically exhausting week for me and I am a bit punchy right now and trying to keep my eyes open and my brain working for afternoon appointments so please forgive me if I ramble incoherently!
Up on monday morning and off to the gym to start the new program.
my main focus on this program is going to be proper form on all my lifts but really concentrating on my squats and deads! This means dropping weight, concentrating and really trying to retrain my muscles to do it right.
*135# for 5 sets of 10
nothing exciting, just trying to make adjustments and get things rewired in the brain.
*70# for 5 sets of 10
really concentrated on using the lats and not cheating by using whatever muscle I could recruit. The whole using the muscle to lift the weight instead of just moving the weight, or something like that.
seated v bar rows
*60# for 5 sets of 10
incline situps
*20 for 2 sets
And that was the end of my great day!
Had a phone call on my way home from the gym, a mare that was due to foal anytime and had bloody stringy stuff hanging out of her. I told the owner to bring her in and we would see what was going on.
The mare got here and the foal had its head turned and twisted back underneath causing the shoulders and front legs to be turned 180 degrees around. It turned into an all day disaster!!!
just getting started. Everyone is still clean and life hasnt become overwhelming yet.
When the chains come out, it usually isnt a good thing!! Just the beginning of stuff running down my arm!
Trying to pull the head around while they pull but notice the feet pointing the wrong direction. blah!
One of hundreds of times I was armpit deep!
And the other arm.
This was after an hour and a half, still no change.
We laid her down to try some more. still no luck. No more pictures after this because things started to get not very pretty. I managed to get one limb off of the baby but still couldnt get the head around. I had 9 surgeries waiting for me inside and I had to get in there and get started on them. When she stood up I placed an IV catheter and started her on fluids and let her rest while I went and got started on surgeries and waited for help.
I had called some very good clients who foal out 120+ mares every year and asked if they had any suggestions. “Good luck” was what I got back for an answer. They had had one just like this the night before and it had taken 4 big guys over 4 hours to get it out! After 2 1/2 hours, I was beat!
One of the girls husbands came about noon and so he and I went back to try and figure out what we could get done. We worked for another hour and then he headed to home depot to get a few things and I went back to finish surgeries! I finished with surgeries at 1:30 and went back out to the horse to try some more! We managed to get the second leg off which made more room but the neck and head were still so twist around that we struggled for another hour trying to get it to line up. Devris husband came by and he tried as well. Finally by the grace of God, I was able to push the body back enough to take enough pressure off and pull the head up! We still had to use the come along to get it out! Holy cow it was such a tight squeeze! Finally after close to 6 hours it was out and I was wore out and covered in blood and yuck!
This is what my most favorite chucks looked like at the end of day The rest of me looked worse though!
I felt so sorry for the mare but she took it all like a trooper! I flushed her out and gave her meds and she went home today!!
I was exhausted at the end of the day and fell into bed and it was all I could do to get out of bed the next morning!