Yeah it is friday friday friday! It is amazing how happy I can be about the weekend when I dont I have work all weekend at the horse races or some other event! Just have to get through the afternoon appointments and Zacs football and then bed, sweet bed :)
Zac did really good at football practice yesterday! Usually he is whiny and complains but yesterday he worked hard and ran hard and was actually happy at the end of practice. I hope this a trend that continues. His first game is Sept 6th.
Got up this morning at 3:50 and headed off to the gym.
front squats and stiffs
front squats
*45# for 20,10
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*135# for 3
*155# for 2
*175# for 1
*135# for 3 sets of 5
*205# for 3 sets of 5
*135# for 3 sets of 10
incline situps
*2 sets of 20
I was lazy this workout because things are changing on monday and so I kind of half assed it today! It happens sometimes!
It has been a very busy day today. Part of that was because it was pretty much just Jenn and I at the office because Billie and Dr Sanders had a couple of farm calls. I like busy days as it makes them go by faster! The only bummer was there were no interesting cases that came in! We did have a ton of walk ins and random stuff though.
I am going to try and get into the gym tomorrow for some accessory training as Devri is going to redo my nails on sunday after church. We were hoping that we could get another week out of them but two have broke and we might as well just get them done and over with.
Excited for monday to start and to get going with a new program. Have a great weekend all!