I am not the most super friendly person and I dont have a bunch of facebook friends, intentionally :) Although I now with Relentless I have a super bunch of friends that live all over the country and that is kind of cool. The problem with having friends that are all involved in the same thing is that all of us are trying to raise money for Relentless so that leaves my few non Relentless friends as the ones that I hope will donate $5 or more, to my fundraising efforts. It went off like gangbusters and I got to over $1500 and then boom, now nothing for a week :(
So I thought maybe I should educate myself and those of you who read this on childhood cancer and then maybe, just maybe you will feel lead to donate a small amount especially if you have awesomely healthy children, or grandchildren, of your own.
- Childhood cancer is the leading cause of disease-related death among children and adolescents (ages 1 to 19 years) in the United States, although cancer among children is rare.
- The causes of childhood cancer are not well understood.
- Survival rates for most childhood cancers vary widely across cancer types. Survival rates for some cancers have improved in recent years, and, overall, more than 80 percent of children and adolescents who are diagnosed with cancer live at least 5 years after their diagnosis. However, for some childhood cancer types, survival rates remain low.
- Children and adolescents who have been treated for cancer need regular follow-up care for the rest of their lives because they are at risk of late side effects that can occur many years later, including second cancers.
- Although cancer in children is rare, it is the leading cause of death by disease past infancy among children in the United States. In 2014, it is estimated that 15,780 children and adolescents ages 0 to 19 years will be diagnosed with cancer and 1,960 will die of the disease in the United States.
- Survivors of childhood cancer need follow-up care and enhanced medical surveillance for the rest of their lives because of the risk of complications that can occur many years after they complete treatment for their cancer. Health problems that develop months or years after treatment has ended are known as late effects. Indeed, long-term follow-up analysis of a cohortof survivors of childhood cancer treated between 1970 and 1986 has shown that cancer survivors remain at risk of complications and premature death as they age, with more than half of survivors having experienced a severe or disabling complication or even death by the time they reach age 50 years (19). It is not known whether children treated in more recent periods will experience similar risks of late complications.
- Out-of-pocket medical expenses resulting from pediatric cancer center have been shown to average $34,558 over the course of the treatment.
- Families are often faced with additional non-medical expenditures associated with traveling to and from the treatment institution, accommodations and meals away from home, as well as daycare for other young children at home. These non-medical out-of-pocket expenses associated with providing treatment for the cancer child have been shown to average 38% of the family’s gross annual income.
- An average treatment cost can be approximately half a million dollars per child.
Thats a lot of money! When I graduated from vet school that was my entire yearly salary! How does a family pay for that? Not only that but what if you have other kids? They need clothes and food and some attention too. It has to be a nightmare! I can not even imagine the stress that it adds to life to know that your child is sick and you need to be with them and you cant work and it is going to cost you a years salary that you dont have!!!!
Please, consider donating a small amount. It can be done anonymously so if you dont want any attention, you dont have to have any! Thank you!
Because I am leaving for Denver to get educated on doing TTAs in dogs tomorrow morning I went to the gym today and did my bench workout.
bench and stuff
*45# for 20
*65# for 10
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*125# for 3
*135# for 2
*145# for 1
*155# for 1
*125# for 5 sets of 5
*105# for 15
These felt pretty good today. I was hoping that I would feel stronger on the 125#!
Incline situps
*2 sets of 20
It has been a pretty good day! The morning surgery schedule was pretty smooth and we got done about 11 ish. We had a going away party for Tritton and Starla at noon and then it has been a very busy afternoon.
We finished the day with a race horse that was stopping after about three jumps out of the gate. The trainer wanted it to be lame but he wasnt. He has bad lungs so we are treating him and will recheck him again in a month.
Dr Sanders is here and I am soooooo happy. She is going to be covering for me while I am gone this weekend. Praise God for a great answer to prayer!