Today is my beautiful birdies birthday! She is 10 years old. It is amazing to think that it has been that long! She is such a great kid and very mature! I am most certainly blessed!
She looks so beautiful!
Her cake for tomorrow.
I am very glad it is friday, I am ready for it to be friday! Tomorrow is Emmas birthday party. I should have probably done it tonight but the thought of being around people any longer is not enticing!! So tomorrow at 6 pm we will go down to the local splash park with some pizza and subs and all the heathens can play and us adults will all look at our watches and or phones and wonder when it will be ok to leave!
Stayed up last night and watched “The parent trap” with the kids. It has been years since I have seen it. It was not the original but the one with Lindsey Lohan. What a shame that she took such a turn as she was a very talented actress. We got a late start and it was a long movie and we got to bed way past bedtime, like 9:30 :) Yes, that is way past bedtime!
Up this morning at 3:50 and off to the gym for some squatting.
Front squats and stiffs
front squats
*45# for 20
*45# for 10
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*135# for 3
*155# for 2
*165# for 1
*135# for 5 sets of 5
I was finally a tiny bit better on these today. I tried really hard to not think and just squat and drive up, squat and drive up.
*205# for 2 sets of 5
*185# for 2 sets of 8
nothing spectacular.
Incline situps
*2 sets of 20
It has been a pretty good day today. We didnt have very many surgeries today but the ones we did have took longer and werent your everyday spay or neuter. I like days like that.
The first surgery was a prophylactic gastropexy on a bloodhound. I am getting pretty good at these and they dont take much time any more. Tritton scrubbed in and he thought it was awesome. It is always more enjoyable when there is someone who is excited about what you are doing.
Then we did a bilateral entropian with nares excision on an english bulldog puppy. The poor thing is going to have a tough life because it doesnt breathe very well even with the opened up nose. I thought it looked pretty cute with its cone but the owner was not impressed and called him horrid looking.
The last surgery was a leg amputation that bled like a son of a bitch. Good thing he was a big dog and if nothing else when everything heals up he will be a much happier dog!!
The afternoon has been consistent and now we are just waiting for the clock to roll around to 5 pm so we can all go home. I think we will take Emma out to eat, she will like that.
Please make a donation to Relentless. Children are precious gifts and one never knows when something might happen! The expense of illness and cancer is astronomical not too mention the emotional toll of knowing that your child is sick and you bills are going unpaid.