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The Road to Relentless- front squats and stiffs- week 11


Im feeling very lazy today!  Thats the problem with having a whirlwind three day trip up north.  Two days traveling and one day visiting and such and it really never feels like you get time to unwind and now, I want to go home and just hang on the couch and do nothing but, I cant!

Thursday night after work Zac and I head ed up to Phoenix as we were flying to Boise the next morning and it is a three hour drive to reach the airport.   We are heading into our monsoon season and the clouds were beautiful and the air cool.


We stopped in Miami and got some dinner and headed on down the road.


As we were coming into Florence junction we could see a huge dirt storm on the horizon and it looked pretty cool.



As we got into Apache Junction it was obvious that we were going to intersect the storm and we did and fast.


What I didnt realize is how HUGE they are.  I figured it would be a few miles and we would be out of it but nope, it was the entire 35+ mile drive through all the other cities and into Phoenix!  Crazy!  I will say I was a bit surprised at how many people pulled off the road to try and wait it out.  Visibility was low but it was NOTHING like a snow storm!  We cruised and easy 85 all the way!

Had a nice time with my family in Idaho.  All us girls hadnt been together in almost 3 years.


Saturday my dad and I went over and hung out with the great Amy Wattles!  She showed us some awesome stuff that they are working on in their gym and taught me some grip strength stuff.  It was a lot of fun and I wished she lived closer so we could do some training!


We flew back on sunday and got home about 7pm last night.  I was happy to be sleeping in my own bed!  Up this morning at 3:50 and out the door to the gym.


front squats and stiffs

front squats

*45# for 20

*45# for 10

*95# for 5

*115# for 4

*135# for 3

*155# for 2

*165# for 1

*135# for 5 sets of 5


total suckage today on these :/  They were so slow!


stiff legged deads

*185# for 3 sets of 8


leg press

*450# for 3 sets of 10


incline situps

*2 sets of 20



Today has been a pretty average day.  Nothing very exciting has come in and surgeries all went smoothly this morning.  It is nice to have a day like this every now and again but I dont particularly care for them when I am tired and want to go do nothing.   The afternoon has been consistent and I think we are almost done with appointments.  Then it is off to karate to watch Emma.  She had a bit of a melt down on the way home last night and said she wanted to take a break.  When I finally got her to stop crying she said she didnt want to do karate any longer and I told her that she had to finish out the year that I had paid for and if she didnt want to go on, that was fine but she had to finish this year.  She thought that was ok and she was back to her chatty shelf before too long.


Me and my sisters


Us girls with our parents.

I have some better pics taken with my camera but I havent downloaded them to the computer yet so for now, the quick Iphone pics will have to work.

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