Yesterday was off day from the gym and sleep until 6 day for me :) I like wednesdays! We had an incredibly crazy day at the office! I dont know if we were slow or just that busy but it was after 1 when I started on the last surgery which was a complicated fracture repair with an external fixator. It took about 2 hours of sweat and frustration but I got it put back together!
The rest of the day was busy with an emergency after hours and then bed. Up a bit before 4 and out the door at 5.
deads max effort
dreadmill warm up with stretching after
*135# for 5
*225# for 5
*275# for 2
*315# for 1 all of the above including 315 done with no belt
*335# for 1
*355# for 1
*375# for 1 a 10# PR :)
I had planned on 335#.345#.355#.365# but after 335 I figured why waste energy on 345 so I jumped to 355#. 355 felt pretty good so I thought, what the heck, lets go for 375# and I be damned if it didnt come off the ground and all the way up :) I did put 385# but it only came about an inch off the ground :/
not a good picture but can one look good pulling a max?
sumo deads
*225# for 2 sets of 6
glut/ham raises
*3 sets of 15
incline situps
*45# for 2 sets of 22
It was another busy surgery morning with a toe amputation and stifle arthrotomy at the end. Once again I didnt get started on the last surgery until 1 but thankfully it did not take near as long. The dog had a large OCD lesion on the medial condyle of the femur and the owner couldnt afford to take it to the specialty clinic for arthroscopy so I told her I would just do it the old fashioned way and she was fine with that. It was pretty cool! Took out all the damaged cartilage and spongy bone and sewed it back up. Ahhhhh it is good to do interesting surgeries.
The nuns brought in a sick goat this morning. We have an awesome xray machine and so I took xrays of it. I think it has a blockage as it has been regurgitating and its rumen was hugely full. We tubed it with mineral oil and placed an IV catheter so they could give it fluid. The nuns are great clients.
The afternoon is cruising right along and I am tired and very glad that I have a massage scheduled for after work.