Yesterday was a tough day. Everything seemed a bit out of sorts and I had a sinus headache and that tends to make me less patient than I already am. Emma wasnt feeling well either and did her best to look really miserable during karate. Afterwards she came home and sat in the tub for an hour and took some nyquil and she was OUT! Zac on the other hand had a lot to talk about. I try to lay with each one of them for 10-30 minutes each night so they get some one on one mom time. It is a good thing and something that I will never regret giving up my time for! Kids NEED individual parent time and we shouldnt be so selfish as to keep it from them.
I was very happy to get to bed by 8:30ish. Poor David always wants to talk about his day and I am drifting off to sleep and saying random stuff and making random noises and after a few minutes he gives up trying to converse with me.
Up before 4 and out the door by 5.
deads reps
ten minute warm up on dreadmill.
wonder woman socks on!
*135# for 2 sets of 1o
*185# for 2 sets of 5
*225# for 2 sets of 3
*275# for 1
*280# for 3 sets of 8
these were hard, very hard!! Previously I would not have made myself do 8 reps. I knew it was going to be tough when 275# felt like 315# and I started thinking in my head, well, I really just need to do 5 reps per set. But, I cant let myself have an out. On the second set I stopped at 7 but then made myself do one more. I hated that rep but I had to do it. NO MORE EXCUSES!!!
rack pulls
*225# for 3 sets of 15
we dont have blocks and the other rack was being used and so I set it at the lowest setting and stood on a 100# plate. I like to pull from just below my knees and this hit me at the top of the patella. But, one has to go with what they have available.
glut/ham raises
*3 sets of 15
done slow and deliberate to force myself to use the gluts and hammies
incline situps
*45# for 2 sets of 20
I really didnt want to do anything after the rack pulls but couldnt let myself be that lazy!
The morning went smooth. We managed to get all our surgeries done before noon. I love it when that happens. We havent had any interesting stuff come in lately :( I suppose it is better for the dogs and cats if they dont have any “interesting” issues but I do love a good bone repair or soft tissue surgery. Heck, I just love interesting cases! Hopefully we will have a few come in soon!