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The Cube cycle 2 week 1 wave 2 – squats explosive

Ok, now on to todays workout and rambles.

Saturday the monchers and I headed to tucson to visit Olivia in the hospital and do some shopping.  We left Zac at the hospital to watch cartoons and play games with Olivia and Madi, Emma and I went and did some shopping.  We got chased by a stalker jeep that had its blinker on and then didnt turn and got mad because I figured since she had turned on her blinker that she was turning and apparently she changed her mind.  She followed us and mimicked me for about 20 mins.  Weird.  Who has time to follow some random person for 20 mins?  Madi kept telling me to pull over because when the woman saw me she would be scared but it really wasnt worth my time.

Sunday was church and then fingernails and I rearranged my furniture in my living room.  Once a year, right before Christmas, I change the living room.  I would do it more frequently but the entertainment center is 9 ft tall and 12 ft long with three sections and there are only about three different ways I can put it so I dont do it very often.

Up this morning and out the door late because for random reason I thought I didnt leave to the gym until right before 6 instead of by 5:15.  It was 5:37 by the time I left.  I am such a dork.

My weight was really down in the middle of last week due to being sick and not eating as much as I should and we were crazy busy at the clinic so I was going a bunch.  I was told to eat lots but I tried to keep to the program except for pumpkin pie.  I ate quite a lot of that and it made for a good workout this morning.

squats explosive


*45# for 15

*95# for 10

*115# for 8

*135# for 5

*150# for 6 sets of 2

these felt great and I was pretty happy with them.

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front squats

*135# for 3 sets of 15

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glut/ham raises

*3 sets of 15

done very slow with great concentration on using the glutes and then the hams.



only did one set because I was out of town.



The morning started out pretty good and we finished with all surgeries about 10:30 and then walked in, well kind of walked in, a lab with a broken rear leg.  The poor thing is very obese and obviously had a broken leg and could hardly walk.  We xrayed and it had a severe boney lesion at the distal end of the tibia.

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I discussed at length the options for fixation with the fact that due to the pathology of the bone that healing might not occur.  The owner opted for amputation which I think was a very good idea because the femur fractured off when I was trying to saw through it so she has some definite bone abnormalities in that leg.  We are sending off a cocci titer and hope that Valley fever is the issue because that is something we can treat.

Right after the big lab came in we had a chihuahua with a pyometra.  Poor thing had a white cell count of 78,000!  Crazy!  I cant believe she was still alive!  We got her on the table and the pus filled uterus taken out right after the leg amputation and we were still done by noon with surgeries.

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The afternoon is way crazy packed and full and I had best get this wrapped up so I can get a fire lit under everybody Image may be NSFW.
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