Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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“Less is More” week 3 – deads and back


This day has been CRAZY!

The weekend was good.  Saturday there were several emergencies in the morning and then I was supposed to have another massage BUT for some reason there is not very good communication at the place and the massage therapist didnt know I was coming and wasnt there :(     I tanned instead and ran a few errands and then it was home and off to the ranch.

I really didnt want to go but I obliged DH for a little while and then David, Zac and I drove down into the Araviapa canyon.  It was very pretty there and Zac played in the creek which had to have been FREEZING!!!  That kid is crazy!

DSCF6156The first water stop.

DSCF6166The Salazar Family Church

DSCF6164The next generation!


The second water stop!  Herman monster walking little boy :)

DSCF6186He is so crazy!


The river, watercress, trees and the moon!

DSCF6219Got a flat tire on the way home :(   Thankfully all the drunks were still at the ranch and changed it so I didnt have to get all dirty :)

We watched a movie when we got home and then bed.  Sunday was church and finger nails afterwards.

Devri had just gotten the first layer of gel on my nails and they were cooking when I had an emergency call from the Department of Corrections that one of their hounds was en route with a turned stomach.

photo(316)The dog was miserable!!  We got it sedated and a stomach tube placed and headed into surgery.


After getting everything back where it belonged and the stomach emptied out, I attached the pylorus to the body wall by doing a modified belt loop procedure to one of the ribs.  AHHHHH I love my job.  The dog did great and look wonderful this morning but they had to transfer it to the contract vet in phoenix because of the politics of government work.  *rolleyes*

Anyway, we got back to the nails and we all had a great time because Bama was getting her nails done by Devris daughter and so we chatted the time away.

photo(314)Had to get them back to being shorter as they drive me nuts when they get long.

Bed and up and out at the usual times.

Deads and back


*225# for 5 sets of 10

when I get tired I tend to still round but I think it is getting better up until then



*90# for 5 sets of 10


v bar seated rows

*80# for 5 sets of 10


Incline situps

*20 for 2 sets


This day has been crazy and non stop since before we were even open!!   We had a bazillion walk ins and sick dogs and you name it and it came in today.  The afternoon was even more crazy!  I swear that there wasnt even oxygen left to breath in the reception area there were so many people always in there!!   We had two heartworm dogs today although one of them died while we were drawing fluid off its abdomen.  It was old and I am surprised it was even able to make it as long as it did.

I am going to get out of here and decide what to do about dinner!  See you all tomorrow!



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