Most people do not like confident women. Man or woman, there is something that rises up and does not like someone who knows what and who they are and what they want. Some people are mature enough to overcome that initial feeling while others let it eat at them and allow it to breed all sorts of hate in them. When I was a sophomore in undergrad there was this girl named Janice who was thin and beautiful and very outgoing and in several of my classes and she lived in the apartments across from me and I hated her!! In my mind I made up all the reasons that it was ok to not like her because that way it justified my feelings even though I had never met her and did not know her. As fate would have it we ended up having to do something together for one of the classes that we had together and she was so nice!!! Just because someone is confident doesnt mean they are not a nice person, just because they are smart doesnt mean they arent a nice person and just because you have an instant dislike for someone because they are different from you, doesnt mean they are a bad person, it just means they are different from you and that is ok! Dont hate someone just because at first glance you dont like them. Randomness!
Yesterday was a fairly slow day until right at the very end. I was planning on getting out of the office around 4ish when we finished our last appointments so that I could go and watch Emma do her tip testing and then watch Zac at football practice. Problem one arouse when Zac had learning lab after school because he had forgotten to do some of his homework so Emma couldnt do her tip testing until after Zac was picked up. Then right at the end of the day we had several emergencies that called and were on their way in. A very badly broken leg on a pom
I wasnt sure that I was going to be able to get it aligned very well but it all straightened out fairly good.
and then a c section on a very special little boston.
It was almost 6 when I left and there was still one more dog coming in for Dr Sanders to look at. I made it just in time to watch Emma and then headed over to watch Zac with football.
Emma did great on her tip testing. She has awesome instructors!
We got home and did homework and went to bed. I slept like a rock and it took me a bit to realize what the alarm was when it went off this morning. That doesnt happen very often but I dont mind when it does because it means I have had some good deep sleep at a time when I am usually half awake.
bench and rows
I got to the gym and realized that I had once again forgot to bring my print out for my weekly programming. :/ I pulled it up on my phone and wrote it all down thinking that it seemed very familiar. Stupid me had copied down week 1 instead of week 3 so after I set everything up I double checked and then had to take everything down and switch to what I was supposed to be doing. I am not very smart sometimes.
incline bench
*45# for 5
*75# for 5
*95# for 5
*115# for 5
*125# for 3
*130# for 3
*110# for 2 sets of 6
db bench press
I was supposed to do db floor press but I could not for the life of me figure out how to get the db up from the floor and I didnt have anyone to hand them to me and I messed around for about 10 mins and finally got to a weight that I could manipulate but it was too light so I just went with regular db bench press. I am going to have to ask Julia how to go about getting the db in the starting position by oneself.
*50# for 3 sets of 8, 1
total suckage on these today! :/
bent over rows
*135# for 3 sets of 8
*dropset 135#, 115#, 95# each for 8
six way shoulder raises
These took a bit for me to figure out. They arent that difficult but I am not very good with putting movements together, cant dance to save my life, so after watching the video I tried it and had to stop and watch the video again before I got it all figured out.
*2.5#for 3 sets of 10
you start at your sides and go up
Then go out in front
then up and then back down in the same way you went up.
she didnt give me any sets or reps so I just went with what I thought seemed like a good number :)
rope tri extensions
*80# for 3 sets of 12
rope cable curls
*60# for 3 sets of 12
I was supposed to do db curls but I was out of time because of messing up a couple of different times.
incline situps
*2 sets of 20
I have been terrible with my diet lately and I have decided that I have had enough of it. It is time to clean it up and cut it back and stop being a glutton! It isnt easy because I have been allowing myself to be a pig all summer but it has to be done because I dont like being this fluffy!
It has been a super crazy busy day with all sorts of emergencies and walk ins and we didnt even get started on surgery until almost 10 and didnt finish until almost 1! The afternoon has moved right along and it is almost time for the doors to close and then it is off to karate and then football and then home for the battle of wills over homework. Got to love being a parent :)