I make my big post about my nutrition program that I had with Renaissance Periodization and then I totally fell off the wagon this weekend! I am a total glutton but I have the determination after seeing the pictures, yuck, to get things looking better so I am getting back on fast!! There can be no excuses! Plus and even more importantly, I am going to be working the next 10 weeks with not days off and long busy days and I do NOT want to feel like dirt! And when I eat bad, I feel bad. My joints kill me and I dont sleep well when they hurt and I cant have that! So, clean eating for me, it has to be that way and I like the results and I want to look better and not be ashamed of my fat!
Friday night after work Zac and I headed up to phoenix to spend the night before flying out saturday to deliver a puppy to my uncle. It was a little chihuahua pup that had been relinquished to the clinic because the owners couldnt afford to treat it for parvo. I was shocked when my uncle said he would take it so I planned a whirlwind trip to deliver her.
We got to the airport at 6:30 and boarded the plane at 8:30 and landed at 10:30 and hung out and visited with the entire Adams clan. I was shocked to see not only my Aunt and Uncle but my cousins and their families as well. It was great. We visited and then Zac and I headed back through security at 12:30 and boarded at 1:30 and landed at 3:30 and were at costco about 4 and on the road to home by 5:30 and home at 8! It was a busy day for sure!
Salt Lake City airport. Not much snow for this time of year.
Sunday was church and a potluck afterwards.
David and I.
Then it was home for fingernails to get done and then the superbowl! I as so happy happy happy that Seattle won. It isnt that I really like Seattle more that I despise the Broncos
Got to bed late because of the game and rolled out a bit before 4 because the dogs wanted out and it was close enough that I figured I should just get up. Out the door a bit after 5 and headed to the gym for squats! Given my horrible food choices this weekend I was giving myself no excuses for not pushing for the max number of reps!
squats reps
warm up on the treadmill for 10 mins
*45 for 3 sets of 5
*95# for 2 sets of 3
*115# for 3
*135# for 1
*155# for 3 sets of 12
went a bit wider on my stance and I liked it.
front squats
*135# for 3 sets of 6
good mornings
*115# for 3 sets of 8
explosive jumping (LOLOL)
*3 sets of 12
there is nothing explosive about me!! But I have to say I was pleased to have made myself do these as they seem to be the big thing right now. Now I just have to find a better thing to jump on and something that I can make taller as I progress.
incline situps
*45# for 2 sets of 15
All in all I was pleased with the workout and not that it excuses me being a pig!
This morning went amazingly ok given that it was a) monday and b) short staffed and c) training a new front desk person. We managed all walkins and a full surgery schedule and were done around noon. There are still a bunch of walk ins coming in but at least surgeries are done. They tell me that this afternoon is going to be beyond crazy busy as we are over double booked. Not much I can do about it so I am not going to worry about it
Afternoon is going to be crazy, yes it is, yes it is!