Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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The Cube cycle 2 max effort week – squats and bench


I am a total slacker in the posting department lately.  Although yesterday was just completely crazy and there was not an ounce of extra time to write anything and today was not any better so I guess I have an excuse, kind of.  I dont like the word excuse anymore.

The weekend was good.  Had a massage on saturday and my therapist said my back was so tight she couldnt really get much done :(  I have another one scheduled for this coming saturday and am hoping it will be better.   Not that she couldnt have worked on it longer but I really needed my legs worked on and my neck so it was a trade off.  Sunday was church and nails and emergencies and that was enough.


Up and out the door at the usual times on monday.

squats max effort

warm up on the treadmill for 10 mins.



*45# for 15

*95# for 10

*115# for 5

*135# for 5

*155# for 2

*175# for 2

*195# for 1

*205# for 1

*210# for 1

*215# for 1

*220# for 1

*225# for fail x 2


I so wanted to get 225# :(  but I missed parallel big time.  I will say that even though I sucked the lifts still felt better than they have previously.  I just need to figure out where parallel is when lifting the heavier weights because I thought I was pretty close and I really wasnt :(


front squats

*135# for 3 sets of 8


glute/ham raises

*bw for 3 sets of 15


seated leg curls

*95# for 4 sets of 12

and that was it.  I was a total slacker and didnt do any ab work.

The day was total chaos.  We were short staffed and there were a lot of surgeries and the afternoon was insane!!  From 1:30 til 6:30 it was non stop!!!  I was very ready for bed!

This morning it was hard to get up but I did :)

bench max effort

treadmill for 10 mins warm up

the gym for once was pretty empty with this one older couple there.  She was not annoying at all but the dude was so grunty and groany!  If you have to groan while doing walking lunges with 20# db, you shouldnt be doing them.



*45# for 15

*95# for 10

*115# for 5

*135# for 3

*145# for 1

*150# for 1

*155# for 1

*160# for FAIL

I was sooo disappointed because 155# felt good but I just thought my way out of 160#.  :(

*135# for 3


pause 2″bench

*95# for 3 sets of 8


db incline bench

*50# for 8,6,4

I was pretty disgusted with myself by this time and everything just got worse!



reverse grip straight bar tri pushdowns

*70# for 4 sets of 12


rope overhead extensions

*70# for 3 sets of 10

Today was something.  I am not entirely sure what happened this morning but we still had half our surgeries left to do at 11:00 and we should have been done.  Some days just get away from a person, or group of persons, and before you know it, its half gone and your way behind.

The afternoon was busy but not as bad as yesterday.  I like busy but I always feel bad when people have to wait in the lobby for a long time.  I am told that tomorrow is insane and I have had two emergencies tonight that will be added surgeries for tomorrow so it will be an interesting day for sure.

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