Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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The Cube cycle 2 week 3 wave 3 – squats heavy and bench explosive


I was whining last week about being frustrated with my lifting progress and a friend of mine very politely told me NOT to be a program jumper and that my boobs looked good.   I needed that because sometimes I get too self focused on what is not right and completely neglect all that is going well.   And my boobs actually look terrible right now because there is no fat covering them thanks to the diet plan and you can see the implant and its wrinkles.  But aside from that, implants make any boobs, well if one had a good surgeon, look good.   Anyway, thank you Amy for the gentle kick in the ass, I needed it.  All is cleared up and back on track for the ending of this cycle and moving on with the next one.

The weekend was good.  I did nothing other than stay home and walk to the clinic for emergencies, well, except for church on sunday.  I rearranged my bedroom and watched movies with the kids and did laundry and took care of sick or injured pets.  I was very thankful to do nothing all weekend!

Sunday night we were all watching Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark when Redric James, the naked chiweenie, started falling over and acting oddly.  I picked him up and he fell asleep in my arms and we finished watching the movie.  Afterwards when I stood up his little front legs were paddling and he couldnt walk or even stand when I put him down.  I called Billie April and I took him to the clinic and we ended up doing surgery on him to empty his stomach out.  I am not sure what he ate but he ate something that was toxic and he had over 5 cups of food in his stomach the pig!  I have no idea whose food he went and found and ate but hopefully he wont do it again.


I honestly didnt think he would be alive the next morning and it was all I could do to go in and check on him before I went to the gym but I couldnt not go and find out if he was alive.  Praise the LORD he was and he is almost back to his normal happy introverted self!


Up at 4 and out the door after 5.   Warm up on treadmill for 10 mins.

squats heavy

*45# for 15

*95# for 10

*135# for 5

*155# for 2

*175# for 1

*195# for 1

*200# for 1

*205# for 1

*210# for 1

*215# for 1

*220# for 1


this is 5# increase over last cycle.  I wasnt supposed to be going for a max type lift but everything felt good so what the heck, might as well.  Now I know that I am not parallel, it pisses me off but it is getting closer and I am still working towards it.  If you dont video your lifts, you dont know if you are hitting parallel or not!


overhead squats

thanks to my dad, I am not tortured with continuing to do these until I am awesome at them and that is going to take a long long long time because I suck!!!!

*45# for 3 sets of 6


leg press

*200# for 5 sets of 20

used wide stance and damn if I am not paying for it today with significant hip joint capsule irritation!!!


Incline situps

*45# for 2 sets of 15

The day was busy, I am late getting this posted and it is all a blur now but I do know that I never got to leave the office other than for a 15 min run to the house and grab a bite of food.  Days like that are good, I like them, really, I do!!

Had a late emergency call last night as well.  Now late being 8:15 for me as I am generally in bed by 8:30!  It was after 9 when I got home and I had Red on the bed and I was worried about kicking him so I didnt sleep great.

Up at 4 and out the door yet again a bit after 5.

bench explosive

had to warm up on a stupid elliptical machine because these two idiots and their kid were on all the working treadmills :(


*45# for 20

*65# for 15

*95# for 10

*115# for 5 sets of 2


These felt good.  I was starting to get very irritated and distracted by the idiots and things went downhill from here.


pause bench 2″

*95# for 3 sets of 8


incline bench

*105# for 2 sets of 8


had to leave the area because there were way too many people around me and they had no idea what they were doing!!  I went to the opposite end of the gym where nobody was and started cleaning everything up so I could do some triceps away from the a fore mentioned idiots and I kid you not, they took their arm stuff down there and set up right next to me and started doing some random stupid tricep exercise!!  Unbelievable!!

lying tricep extensions

*35# for 3 sets of 20



*2 sets of 30

My whole morning was destroyed.  I know I shouldnt let people have that much effect on me but I dont like people and I have to use every drop of my little people skills during the day with clients, I do not want to waste them on idiots!!

I was supposed to go on a ranch call this morning but they called yesterday and said that they couldnt get two of the colts in that needed to be castrated and the owner had the flu so we rescheduled for next month.  That left the morning very open with only a few random staff pet surgeries to do.  We did have a dog come in that had been hit by a car last night and couldnt walk.  It had a severely broken pelvis with the acetabulum fractured and displaced.  I recommended referral which they couldnt afford so after starting it on fluids and making sure it was stable I went in and did a femoral head and neck osteotomy on it.  There were a few other random things come in and I ended up only getting about 30 mins to go home and fix lunch and sit down with David and eat.

This afternoon was busy, hence the reason that it is after 7 and I am still working on this post.  We had a bunch of horses at the end of the day and then it the hated and dreaded staff meeting!!  I am hopeful that this time things will change and stay changed for the better.


I love my babies!!

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