Its friday friday friday! I am going to enjoy everyone of these until the horse races start because when that happens, there are no longer any days off for eight weeks!
So last night after work and dinner the kids and I went to the hospital to visit Devris son who had been kicked in the head by a horse and was under observation and an elderly lady from the church who was there with pneumonia. We were there for about an hour and Zac started yawning so I used it for an excuse to head home. The kids and I were chatting and I was not paying attention and passed a police officer on the side of the road. I looked down at my speedometer and was over the limit so figured I would get pulled over. It took him quite awhile to actually turn around and come up behind me.
We were about 1/8 of a mile from our road when he turned on his lights so I figured that I would just drive to there and pull over since the road I was on is narrow and doesnt have any really good places to pull over. The officer turned on his siren and I turned on my blinker to show that I knew and would be pulling over soon. When I pulled onto my road I pulled over immediately and the officer came up and was extremely rude and aggressive and asked my why I hadnt pulled over. I told him that I didnt think there were any good spots there and knowing that I was going to be turning on my own road that was wide and safe I had just kept going so I would be off the road. He informed me that he was in charge of traffic and that I had to pull over when he turned on his lights. (come to find out there is a law in arizona that gives drivers the right to go as long as they need to to find a safe place to pull off the road)
So as I am sitting there trying to find my drivers license I accidentally handed him my walgreens reward card to which he practically threw it back at me and told me he didnt want that. :eek: About this time my dogs had heard the car and were out in the road running towards us. I got out to get a hold of Charlie because I didnt want the officer to be worried and he informed me that there were laws that required that my dogs be confined at all times. I tried to explain that they dont come out in the road but had heard the car and he told me it didnt matter it was illegal for them to be out there. Geesh!
When he brought me the ticket he handed me by license and registration and insurance and I started putting them away while he was informing of my law breaking. When I leaned over to put the registration in the glove box he stopped talking and waited until I was done and told me again that I needed to pull over right when he flipped his lights on, that law blah blah blah stated that I had to keep my dogs contained. I took my ticket and said ok and we went home. I have no idea why he felt so threatened by a mom with two kids in an SUV but apparently he thought smallville was big enough the buick mean enough for me to get lost or something. Heck, I live right across from dispatch and the county sheriff department! It isnt like they dont know where to find me!
Anyway, the kids couldnt stop talking about how mean he was and I kept telling them that they had to respect the police and that I was speeding and deserved the ticket. My older sister is an officer and I know they deal with a lot of crap so I really try to be nice and I never try to get out of a ticket but I dont like pulling over on a narrow road and putting my kids in danger!
Slept alright and was up at 4 and out the door a bit after 5.
OHP explosive
I walked on the treadmill for 10 mins and got all warmed up.
*45# for 15
*65# for 8
*75# for 5
*80# for 5 sets of 2
I dont think these were very explosive but I did the best I could.
lateral raises supersetted with OHP
I know it sounds odd but it left me with a great burn and I was pretty much done with shoulders afterwards.
*15# db for lateral raises, 45# for OHP – 3 sets of each exercise for 12
bb curls
*55# for 3 sets of 12
concentration curls
*15# for 4 sets of 10
*2 sets of 30
We had a very busy day today! In the middle of surgeries we had a pregnant cat that had been in labor for at least a day that we had to do a c section on. Then when doing the last surgery we had an older pit bull dog come in with a pyometra and so I ran home real fast and made some lunch and came back and took her uterus out. Then a little dog came in that had fallen out of the back of the truck and broken its back leg and so since it was fresh we scheduled it for after hours.
We also had a bunch a sick dogs and cats come in and we had to do an exploratory on a cat in between appointments. All in all it was a busy day and I am tired!