I hate having the “crud!” Emma came down with it on friday and I dont have it that bad, just the cough and snotty nose but still, it sucks!
Saturday was do a bunch of nothing day. We were going to go to tucson but Emma was sick so instead I ran some errands in town and then came home and re arranged my closet going through all my clothes and removing the ones I dont wear and switching the summer for the winter.
Sunday was church and emergencies and bed.
Up at 4:10 and out the door at 5:20!
squats heavy
*45# for 2 sets of 10
*95# for 10
*115# for 10
*135# for 5
*155# for 3
*175# for sets of 2
front squats
*135# for 2 sets of 3
leg press- narrow
*400# for 3 sets of 10
glut/ham raises
*3 sets of 12
incline situps
*35# for 2 sets of 15
I have a cold and it was starting to kick my butt cheeks by this time.
We have been busy today. My brain is clogged up and I dont really even remember what we have done. Nothing to exciting! I just want to go home and go to bed.