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The Cube cycle 2 week 2 wave 1 – squats reps

Yesterday afternoon was too busy for me to get a chance to sit down and write out my post and this afternoon was not much different.  Busy is good and I am not complaining.

The weekend was good.  Saturday was spent at the clinic all day working on emergencies.  We had two emergency surgeries and a seemingly bunch of other emergencies.   Sunday was the same.  Church and two emergency surgeries afterwards.  It made the weekend go by fast.

Up at 4 on monday and out the door before 5:30

squats reps


*45# for 10

*95# for 10

*115# for 8

*135# for 5

*150# for 3 sets of 10

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front squats

*115# for 2 sets of 8

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seated leg curls

*95# for 3 sets of 12


incline situps

*35# for 20,15


The morning was busy with surgeries.  We had a cat come in that belonged to a client whose other cat we had done emergency surgery on on sunday to remove a linear foreign body of thread and hair.  This was their older cat and it had started vomiting that morning.

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Its xray definitely looked bad.

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It had eaten a TON of hair ties and headbands!!  I have no idea what would make a cat just sit and munch on hair ties but this is the second cat that we have had to remove hair ties from their stomach.

The afternoon was double booked and beyond.   We had some good clients come in and bring in their 6 yo great pyrenees.  I had diagnosed the dog with bone cancer about a month previous and now his other leg was swollen and dangling.  He had a pathologic fracture of the opposite leg where the cancer was as well.

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It was tough to tell them as the man is battling colorectal cancer and starts chemo and radiation next week for 5 weeks, 5 days a week.    They have had a tough year losing a dog and two horses in the past few months and they still have one more older dog that will probably need to be put down before too long. Image may be NSFW.
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I finished the day after six in the dark with a load of horses from willcox.  The days just arent long enough sometimes.

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