Let me start this by saying first, I am NOT an expert at anything. This blog is my thoughts and my opinions and my ramblings not as an authority on anything but rather just as an outlet. I am an introvert and blogging is my way of expressing myself without actually having to deal with people in person It is a fantastic thing!
For those who find personalities interesting, I am a ISTJ based on the Keirsey temperament testing. Quite fascinating stuff and I encourage you to take a test to find out what your personality is if you never have. It really opens ones eyes to why they are they way they are.
This is me to a T-
Like other introverted personalities with a well-developed T trait, ISTJs are often (mistakenly) seen as indifferent and cold. Of course, it is understandably difficult for an ISTJ to reveal their emotions or express affection, but that does not mean that they have no feelings or are insensitive.
ISTJs are easily irritated by other people’s shortcomings – they see their own promises as sacred and cannot understand how someone could consciously fail to meet their obligations. This can be a significant disadvantage at times, as some people can abuse the ISTJ’s strong sense of duty by overloading them with work.
ISTJ personalities tend to keep their opinions to themselves, unless someone asks them directly. People with this personality type are very direct – for them, the truth is always far more important than sensitivity. This ruthless judgment is irreplaceable in refereeing or legal work – where other people might waver, the ISTJ will make the difficult decision while ignoring the emotional background.
ISTJs are not particularly good at listening to their own (and especially other people’s) feelings. Consequently, they may face difficulties when it is necessary to understand other people’s emotional needs. On the other hand, ISTJs rarely have any difficulties coping with emotionally charged situations – they can always keep a cool head and act rationally.
Ok, so moving onward now that you know my inner most personality
I wrote a blog last week on the whole concept of “Strong is the new skinny.” It wasnt much other than a few thoughts on how the magazines portray “strong” women as beautiful and with muscles and no fat which quite frankly isnt any easier for one to obtain than the previously portrayed super skinny! I think it would be much more beneficial if they showed women who werent perfectly dieted down and competition ready. Mainly because for the average american woman, we arent ever going to get that and most of those women are not that all the time anyway!
So some “fitness professional” came and commented first on how there was no way that someone who weighed as much as me could be at 12% bodyfat. To clarify, I did not say that I was currently at that body fat, only that I had not been happy with my body even when I was that low. I really wanted to say, “Well, as a “fitness professional” (which he made sure to tell me that he wasnt some average commenter but rather a “fitness professional”) you should know how to calculate that as being being 20# of fat and 152# of muscle.” But I refrained.
He went on to ramble about some other stuff that I dont remember and dont care to go reread, but ended with all I needed to do, or the only way I could get a body like the women in the magazines was to hire a “fitness professional.” That and I was overly emotional! Me, overly emotional?! Dont get me wrong, there are times I am overly emotional but writing that post was not one of those times. It was just something that had been rambling around in my brain and I decided to spit it out. It kind of goes along with the above info on the personality.
I have pondered his claim about the fact that apparently the only way one can achieve anything in the gym or with their body is by hiring a “fitness professional.” How much help does one need to achieve something better than what they currently have? I think much of that depends on the individual person, what they want and how much they want it.
First I have to say that one size does not fit all! Each and every body is different and responds differently. Also, each body is different proportions. Some people have long legs and a short torso, others have short legs and a short torso, etc etc. I have no doubt that you are capable figuring out the different combinations of long and short! Your biomechanics will determine your strengths and weaknesses as well as what form is best for you to use. Example, long legged person with a short torso might find it easier to squat with a wide stance vs a narrow one because to get the ass low enough with a narrow stance you have to lean too far forward. A short armed person will probably do better with a little more narrow grip on bench than with a super wide one and so on.
It is really important to keep an open mind and try different thing and find out for yourself which one works best for you. It has taken me almost 5 years to finally figure out that when it comes to getting stronger and to lifting weights, there is definitely more than one way to skin the cat!! Just because Dan Green has narrowed his grip and improved his bench doesnt mean that Joe Blow with super long arms and a shallow chest is going to be able to do the same thing. Maybe what helped him get to the place where he could do this was using a different grip for long enough to fully develop technique and muscle and the change is just what he needs to do now to get to the next plateau. Just because something worked for several years doesnt mean that something else might not work now!
Bottom line, be opened minded about your training! Study different methods and try them all! Westside, JTS, The Cube, EliteFTS, 5/3/1, doggcrapp, or any other type of bodybuilding program! Find out what works best for you, maybe it is a combination of several different programs. Powerlifting, bodybuilding, olympic lifting, crossfit whatever it is try it and use what works and dont worry about the stuff that doesnt! Personal trainer, “fitness professional,” strength coach, dude who knows more than you, find someone that can help you and listen to you and give them a try. If they dont produce what they promise, move on to someone else!
I have to say that I cant see how hiring some “fitness professional” is going to get me a body like the girls in the magazines! Personally I find the fact that someone has to state that they are a “fitness professional” to mean they have a piece of paper and think too highly of themselves because someone who truly was a “fitness professional” wouldnt have to state it as it would be obvious by what they said! In todays world where someone can get a piece of paper stating that they are certified in something off the internet in 3 weeks, there are a heck of a lot of “fitness professionals” out there who dont really have any experience other than the same regurgitated material everyone else has access to!
One of these days, when life is less busy and I have some help at the clinic, I would like to hire a professional trainer or strength coach. I would like to meet with them so they can see me in person and know that I have long legs and arms and absolutely no waist! I want to have had access to their training regimen and visited with them so that I know I wont just be some person who is paying them money for a program that is generic! I want them to take the time to watch me lift and make suggestions and for them to talk to me frequently and help me stop rounding my back when pulling deads and be able to bench more and work towards a bigger squat! I want somebody who doesnt care about the masses but cares about what I want and what my concerns are! And I think that anyone who is looking for a personal trainer should desire these same things! It has to be about you! If they arent interested in your differences, strengths, weaknesses and what you want then they arent worth paying for! You can get basic generic training logs online for nothing! Dont pay someone to tell you what you can get for free. Pay someone for what you cant get online which is one on one attention and someone who has done it and understands it and lived it and done it for other people! Pay someone who has the huevos to be honest with you and takes the time go over everything with you.
“Fitness professionals” are a dime dozen these days and any of them that promise you that they can make you look like the girls or dudes in the magazines probably cant! Find one who is willing to inconvenience themselves a little to get to know you, after all that is what you are paying them for, and be honest with them and they will be honest with you! It might hurt to hear that you wont look like those girls or that you never will win a powerlifting competition but truth is always better than fluff!