Holy moly what in the heck day is it? It is 5:08 pm on friday and the phone is still ringing, people are still walking in the door and I am just getting ready to go into surgery to try and repair a fractured femur! I have to say that it is days like this that make me so glad I went to morning workouts over a year ago! No way I could workout by the time I get done here today!
Dont remember anything about last night, ah yeah, bible study. Got home late and went to bed. Up at 4:30 and out the door to the gym before 6:00.
*80# for 3
*90# for 3
*95# for 3
*70# for 5 sets of 8
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barbell curls
*50# for 4 sets of 10
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lying tri extensions w straight bar
*35# for 4 sets of 10
I liked this bar and the way these felt, I will use it from now on instead of the ez curl bar.
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incline situps
*25# for 2 sets of 15
This morning was busy and we had a full surgery schedule as well as a bunch of walk ins and one little dog come in with a broken leg. The pup belongs to Jenna Pants who used to work for me and left because she got married and started a family and we miss her terribly. She lives on a ranch and the dog is a working cow dog and her husband said to put him to sleep but I convinced her to let me try and save him. She agreed that if I could get the leg put back together good and solid then he could live, if the leg didnt come together well then he would go and see Jesus.
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I had a massage scheduled for 11:30 and so little Cosmo got put on the schedule for the end of the day. The massage was awesome, I definitely needed it! After that I went and gave blood because the email said they were very low on stores in the state. I really didnt have the time but I think it is a good thing to do so I went and donated and got back to the clinic just before the mad rush started!!
The afternoon was utter chaos!!! The reception area was full to capacity with people waiting outside and every exam room was constantly in use all afternoon!! One thing about it, it makes it all go very quickly. By the time we got done with the last appointment it was almost 5 and time to start on Cosmo!
It is now 6:30 and we are done with Cosmo and he is still alive. It took a lot of prayer and breath holding but I think I got a good reduction! The rest is up to Cosmo and God!
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Clik here to view.Tomorrow is Emmas Birthday party and I have to make her a butterfly cake!! I was going to make tacos for dinner but I am not sure if I will do that or just buy pizza. I guess we will see how the day goes.
Have a great weekend everyone, see you Monday!!
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