The monchers had their belt exams last night and they didnt start until 7:30 which might as well be midnight as far as I am concerned! There were fewer numbers this time so it actually went faster than last time which was good. Although it was still 9:00 by the time we got home and started getting ready for bed!
Both monchers did fantastic and I am so very very proud of them. Zac was so excited about it all that he said he wants to keep doing karate, now that is still subject to change every day so we shall see what he thinks next week.
Zac did great!! Probably his best belt exam yet!
Emma is a karate pro! She does an amazing job remembering everything and being sharp!
Zac did his techniques against Master DePalmas son. He was much more intense and tougher than the way the instructors at the school are and it took Zac a bit by surprise but I do think that is why he enjoyed it and wanted to do it again because it had actual purpose!
Emmas techniques are awesome!! She was the only one that I saw that didnt have to repeat any of them over! She was super awesome!
Getting their new belts from Master DePalma!
Belts signed and posing time with Master DePalma!
I slept good as far as I know! Up and out of be at usual time and out the door with my baby girl in tow.
*70# for 5
*80# for 5
*90# for 4 grrrrr
*65# for 3 sets of 10, 1 set of 9, 1 set of 8
total loser today with the OHPs
barbell curls
*55# for 4 sets of 10
overhead rope cable extensions
*60# for 4 sets of 10
incline situps
*25# for 2 sets of 15
*25 for 2 sets
This day has been completely crazy! The morning was non stop with a leg amputation thrown in on top of an already full surgery schedule. Then right as we were finishing up with that we had a dog that had been run over by a horse trailer and had injured its back leg. Turned out to be a dislocated hip!Jennifer sat there and told the client that I would be able to get it back in and when he expressed that he didnt think I could, she pretty much guaranteed that I would get it done! I hate replacing luxated hips because it is HARD!!!! But thank the LORD, I finally got it back in!
Ehmer sling applied and off to the next patient!
Yesterday afternoon little Punches started throwing up and she had been very lethargic all day. I told Jenn to parvo test her and sure enough, it was positive. She has had 4 vaccines and so we gave her some subcutaneous fluids and some metacam and she has slept most of the time.
This morning Charlie the boerboel came back to have us check his foot. The skin was all dead and needed to be cut off so we sedated him and I got rid of all the dead stuff! It looks terrible!
So once again Charlie is staying with us until it is all granulated in and his dad can take care of him at home.
Poor little punchy was feeling like dirt and she snuggled up with Charlie! She loved Charlie when he was here last time and Charlie loved her back so it was perfect for both of them.
The afternoon has been plum crazy! It is booked and double booked and I am just ready for bed
Tomorrow I am going to go and do some weak point training and then we girls from the clinic are all going to go and see a movie in the afternoon. I think it is called “Heat.” Devri promises I will laugh all the way through it! I hope so, we shall see.