The kids have had karate every day this week as they have been getting for belt exams which are tonight. They both passed their tip tests on tuesday and Emma will be testing for a blue belt and Zac his purple belt. Tonights belt exam doesnt start until 7:30!! Dont they know that that is almost bed time? Geesh, it is like doing it in the middle of the night
I have slept most wonderfully this week and for that I am very thankful! Rolled out of bed at 4:30 and out the door before 6.
I did not have the best of dedication/determination/motivation or whatever in the heck you want to call it this morning. The monsoon season is upon us here in southeastern arizona and my joints, most specifically my hips, knees and ankles, have taken to hating me and wanting to punish me for desiring to be fit! It makes the thought of deads well, dreadful! And yes, I am lamenting over the fact that with age, comes greater joint pain
deficit deads
*225# for 5
*250# for 5
*275$ for 4 Blah!
conventional deads
*250# for 5
*275# for 5
*300# for 3 even more blah!
lat pulldowns
*80# for 4 sets of 10
I have decided that potentially the reason that I round so bad is because I am weak in my lats and therefore unable to hold my shoulders up and back. So I am going to start trying to fit in more lat related exercises for awhile and see if it helps!
We were pretty slow this morning and that was a good thing as we are a bit short staffed on thursday and we all seemed to be moving in slow motion! Our last surgery was a leg amputation on a 9 month old frenchie. She had broken her elbow unbeknownst to the owner shortly after she got her and it had become so dislodged that the dog was in constant pain. She couldnt afford to have it fixed at the specialty clinic so we just cut it off! It is a good thing that God made dogs with three legs and a spare!
The afternoon is even slower than this morning with only a half a dozen appointments. Blah, I hate slow but thursdays generally are our slowest days hence the reason that we are short on people.
Still no interesting cases so I will have to leave you with a pic of punchy! I love her!