Its only tuesday and my days are already starting to run together!! Last night was marathon karate night for the kids. Zac starts at 4:30, then sparing at 5:00, then Emma goes from 5:30 to 6:30, or in the case of last night, 6:40!! Blahhhh. We went and had dinner at a local mexican food joint and it makes me all bloated and squishy from the excessive salt! blah again.
I did sleep like a rock last night though! It rained and I didnt even hear it and I woke up feeling like I had slept well. I love it when that happens. Up and out the door before 6.
*105# for 5
*115# for 5
*125# for 8
*100# for 5 sets of 10
I went with a wide grip on bench today and it felt good. It is a bit awkward but I think after I get adjusted to it I will make some gains as it significantly shortens my ROM and puts most of the emphasis on the pecs.
reverse grip bench
*95# for 3 sets of 8
this was too much weight for these but once I picked my number I was sticking to it! Im not stubborn at all
Incline situps
*25# for 2 sets of 15
The morning was not too busy. We had quite a few surgeries but we got on them pretty quick and I think we were done with everything including walk ins by 10:30. I dont mind having one of those days every now and again.
We had womens fellowship at noon and then it was back to the bank to get an account number again because MARY lost it yesterday!! Geeesh!
We had the little puppy from the c section last saturday that had the intestines coming out through the umbilical area come in for sutures out! She is looking awesome!
All fat and happy!
The afternoon is booked solid but they have been a bit trickly coming in. Which is ok in that it allows me the opportunity to get this post done But then bad because usually when they start coming in, it is all at the same time!
Zac and his latest bird that he has found. I am hoping that this one will fly away and not die like the last one he found because he was devastated!
I am hoping that tomorrow something cool will come in, we need some cool stuff to do around here