I am so fluffy and blah right now and it is no ones fault but my own!!! I have been stuffing my face and not doing any cardio and it shows! I did get back on the treadmill last night for almost 45 minutes and burned 493 calories but I have to ramp it up! I need to be doing that several times a week if not almost daily. Ughhh! Yes, I know, shut up and stop whining and do something about it!
The treadmill was the only thing I did last night after work and then it was get the monchers to bed and off to bed myself. Up and out of bed before 4:30 and out the door before 6!
Bench and chest
bench press
*105# for 5 sets of 10
I figured out one of my issues with the bench and it makes me very happy. I was not going wide enough with my grip so when I was at chest level, my hands were very close to my body and therefore causing me to throw my elbows out. When I made the adjustment after set two, everything felt so much better!
db bench press
*40# for 2 sets or 10, 2 sets of 8, 1 set of 7
I finally got me some wrist wraps and my what a great difference they made
*20# for 5 sets of 10
Incline situps
*20 for 2
Poor Emma has not been feeling well and I am glad that it is the last day for them this week. She did come up with a good smile though.
We had to cancel a major surgery this morning because SOMEBODY didnt do as I had asked and make sure we had the necessary surgical screws so it was a pretty slow morning overall. So after the four surgeries I went and took the cast off the horse and it looked fantastic! I am so happy with how beautiful it looks right now.
This was the day it happened. It was very deep and was bleeding worse than I have seen in years! So I am pleased that it has healed so well! But, that is the reason for the cast in the first place!
I finally decided to order me a new lifting belt and I am very happy with the one that I found.
Isnt it pretty! And with rattlesnake inset. Happy Birthday to me!
The afternoon has not been too bad. We have a dog in xray that has eaten several of his bandages and he has a bunch stuck in his pylorus so he is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning to take it all out! Other than that it has been odds and ends of stuff, nothing too interesting.