I have been a good girl and have done my cardio so far three days in a row. You laugh but it is not as easy as it sounds. I could come up with a million excuses to not get on the treadmill but as soon as I start thinking in my mind that I dont have to do it, I make myself go and do it. I am keeping it low volume because if I didnt, I wouldnt do it! By just doing 15-20 mins it isnt so much that I can really talk myself out of it in good conscience! I walk at a 12% incline at 4 mph for 15 mins and then do a five minute cool down decreasing the mph every two minutes. Overall I burn about 225 calories and I figure that isnt so bad.
So why do I walk you ask? Well, I used to run at 7 mph and it about killed me and I hardly burned any calories! Then I read something about walking at an incline (someones form log I believe) and so I tried it and burned more calories and so I have stuck with it because it is way easier on my joints! Not saying it is the best but it is something that I will do and therefore better than nothing and burns more calories without killing me so there!
Work was work yesterday. Nothing too very exciting. Roxy the little boxer cross dog with the rotting foot is still here. Her owner apparently came yesterday but forgot that he would have to pay. He is supposed to be back today but has yet to show up. But, her foot is looking awesome! Everybody loves her and hates the fact that she is going back to someone who is just going to tie her back up again and leave her all by herself.
This was yesterdays, it looks so awesome!!
Today! She has come a long way in a short time considering it was only a week ago that we had this
So up and out of bed this morning at 4:30. It was tough because the night before I had a midnight emergency and then last night Emma had a bloody nose in the middle night and the dang dogs in and out, in and out! Blah but I got up!
bench press
*105# for 5 sets of 10
my elbows flare out when I start to push up, I am not sure how to stop doing it and it is driving me crazy! I will think I got it figured out and then watch the video and nope, still doing it
db press
*40# for 4 sets of 10, one set of 9
*20# for 5 sets of 10
incline situps
*20 for 2 sets of 20
Today has been a wider day. Devri is in a very bad mood and being mean to everyone. People are leaving to go get chips and salsa in the middle of the morning when we are already short staffed and still have surgeries to do. We had a rep for Royal Canine dog food come at lunch and do a lunch and learn. The afternoon only had 4 appointments on the books but has been a bit busier than it looked.
We have a little a dachshund that we are doing a barium series on right now and surgery on tomorrow but I will share its story tomorrow so I have something interesting to talk about