Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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5 x 5 week 6 – arms


Ahhhhhhhh it is getting closer to the weekend!  We have a rabies clinic but it is only from 9-1 and then the rest of the day is free and I cant wait!

Got out of the office about 5:30 last night and sat down on the couch and flipped through a book by Mark Ripptoe on beginning barbell strength training.   I have struggled with my squat form forever!  And so I needed to study some more on form!   I am hoping to implement it tomorrow on leg day.

The phone rang non stop last night!  Holy moly I think everybody got together and decided to have emergencies on the same night.  The first one that came in was a tiny little chihuahua that one of the children had slammed, accidentally I am hoping, its head in the door.  It was curled up in the fetal position and whimpering when it came in.  We xrayed it and it had a skull fracture all the way from its open fontanel down the skull, behind the eye and exiting out the sinus.  We euthanized it because it was suffering terribly and the owners had no money! :(


It was very sad but at least it didnt have to suffer any more.  I also had a colicy horse show up unexpectedly which did not put me in the best of moods given that I was in bed.  Luckily it wasnt too bad and I put in a catheter and hooked it up to some fluids and in a few hours it was eating and doing great and it went home today!

There were several other calls that were ok to wait until today and so I finally got to bed about 11pm which is very late for me!  Up and out of bed at 4:30 and off to the gym by 6!


the best thing about today is that once again, none of the Barney Fife club showed up so there was peace and quiet and just lifting going on!

spider curls w straight bar

I was reading last night in Rippetoes book about how when we use the EZ curl bar it does limit some of the involvement of the biceps and that the straight bar, although harder on the wrists, used the entire muscle and got the best ROM.  So since the EZ bar was being used I decided to go with the straight bar and holy cow it was tough.  Part of it was the fact that my calories yesterday were low at less than 1200 and it did really bother my wrists.  So my numbers arent great but thats what makes things interesting and gives one more knowledge!  Try new things :)

*30# for 15

*35# for 12

*40# for 9

*45# for 5


lying tricep extensions

*30# for 15

*35# for 15

*40# for 12

*45# for 10

photo(269)Thundercat chucks to help out today!

hammer curl bar

*20# for 15

*25# for 15

*30# for 15

*35# for 15


V bar pushdowns

*50# for 15

*60# for 15

*70# for 15

*80# for 10


Incline situps

*20 for 2 sets

I am trading in my beautiful and most favorite convertible camaro today and it makes me sad.  It is just too small and the monchers are destroying it by climbing over the seats all the time and I rarely get to drive it so it has to go for something more practical.  I hate it but I cant see keeping it for it to just get ruined. :(

It was the typical crazy morning this morning.  We had our usual morning booked full surgery schedule and then the now usual bunch of walk ins of sick or hurt animals.  The most interesting case of the day was a hound that we had treated about a month ago.  She had a bunch of fluid on her chest and we had drained it off several times and she went home on long term antibiotics and was doing great.  The owner called last night and said she was breathing really heavy again and so I told him to have her here at 8 this morning.

She was in severe respiratory distess and we sedated her right away and drained the most foul smelling stuff off of her chest!


It was very gross!  We pulled off about 560 mls off the one side but couldnt get any off the other side.  She was struggling so hard to breathe and it wasnt very long until she passed away. I called the owner and he agreed to let us do a necropsy so we could see what happened and learn for the next one.


The chest was full of inspissated pus!  It stunk sooo bad the whole clinic reeked.


Billie April did the cutting because she thought it was awesomely cool!


The lungs were in horrible shape and there was fluid and pus everywhere.  Given that she was a hunting dog and had a chest full of fluid a month ago and has been on antibiotics continuously this is the best that we can figure given what we found-  she inhaled a foreign body, probably a grass awn, an abscess started in the chest cavity, the fluid built up the first time because there was inflammation and irritation in the chest cavity, we drained it, put her on heavy duty antibiotics, all was going well and then the abscess ruptured and out came all this inspissated pus and she went septic and died.   :(

There are lots of people who have hunting dogs around here and so we are going to put together a better plan on treating these and it will include an indwelling chest tube and lavage.  This is one of the great things about rural medicine!  They wont take them to the specialty clinic but they want to try and fix them and they are willing to let us do what we need to do to try and do that!  With more info now, we have better chance of saving the next one!

The afternoon is pretty booked and so I had best get this done and get to the next room.  :)

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