Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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5 x 5 week 6 – back


Yesterday afternoon was way crazy.  The afternoon was so busy that I dont think the lobby ever had less than 8 people in it!  It was after 5 before I eve got the chance to head out to do the 5 horses that were out there.  Two for teeth floats and 3 for castration.  The first castration was a horrible anesthesia patient and tried to get up way before it was ready!  I hate it when that happens because there is no way for a person to control a 1000# horse that is drunk and falling all over the place.  Thank the Lord that it finally made it to all fours and stood pretty quiet after that!

We had a poor little dog come in that had significant hair loss and Bama loves every dog!  The only problem is that the poor thing had scabies!


Bama is still itching :)   It is amazing what the mind will do to you! hehe

It was late when we got done and I think it was just home and get ready for bed!  Did a little better on the sleeping last night with only the four legged children needing me to let them in and out in the middle of night.  It was up and out of bed at 4:30, a hot shower, thank the Lord, and off to the gym before 6!


I was not in the mood at all for doing deads.  I walked into the gym trying to come up with a good excuse to not do them but couldnt find one before I got to the back of the gym so I loaded up the bar and got started.


*225# for 5

*250# for 5

*275# for 5

*300# for 5

*315# for 5

I have to say, I wondered a few different times if I would even be able to get the 315# off the ground but it wasnt so bad!


I was also happy because the local Barney Fife club did not show up today!  Happy day for me!


Bent over rows

*105# for 5

*115# for 5

*125# for 5

*135# for 5

*145# for 5

*150# for 5


good mornings

*105# for 5

*110# for 5

*115# for 5

*120# for 5

*125# for 5


Incline situps

*20 for 2 sets

Overall I was pretty happy with the workout especially after not really even feeling like going :)

Since I have been on the intermittent fasting I have been trying to eat me a big bowl of oatmeal in the morning.  When I was at the health food store yesterday picking up some taurine, I found some coconut sugar.

photo(266)It has an interesting flavor that isnt bad and I figure it is way better for me than the artificial sweeteners!

The day has been busy.  Our morning surgery schedule wasnt that bad, only 7 or so I think but we were slammed for the first hour with sick animals and so didnt get done with the last surgery until 11:30.  It was then off to women bible study with Devri and back to a busy afternoon.  It wasnt crazy like yesterday but still steady and that was good.

Off tomorrow from the gym.  Sleeping in for an extra 30 mins or so is so nice :)

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