I cant even begin to tell you how excited I am at no longer having to work the horse races on the weekends! Even the couple of weekends off over the past 3 months that I didnt have to work them I still knew that I was going to have to go back to non stop working and that there was no way to possibly catch up on lost rest. Now, it is like, ahhh no big deal that I am awake for a few hours in the middle of the night because I dont have to work this weekend Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. Life is grand!
Saturday was up early and off to globe for the monchers karate tournament. It was their first tournament and they were both very excited.
It was a long afternoon and then the drive home. There were several emergencies waiting when we got back and then dinner and bed.
Sunday was up and a freezing cold shower! The dang water heater is having issues and there was NO hot water, not even a drop!! Church was great and afterwards all the monchers went to go swim at their aunts and David and I went out for lunch and then took a nap. It was a good day! Image may be NSFW.
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Between the four legged and two legged children there was not much sleep last night. Up at 4:30 and over to the clinic to shower and then off to the gym.
Beautiful sunrise this morning!
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bench press
*105# for 5
*115# for 5
*125# for 5
*135# for 5
*145# for 2
Incline press
*90# for 5
*100# for 5
*105# for 5
*110# for 5
*115# for 5
*50# for 5
*60# for 5
*70# for 5
*80# for 5
*90# for 4
Incline situps
*20 for 2 sets
The monchers were silly about their random April fools today. It was cute.
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I have the best monchers in the world.
Today has been typical monday crazy! Surgeries and walk ins and we really didnt have much of a lunch period. We had a little dachshund come in that has autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Its hematocrit is with a rbc of 1.2. We generally use Angel or Finn for blood donors but their counts werent very high. Thankfully we had a client with a great dane and he had awesome blood. Keeping our fingers crossed that the little dog makes it! She is in really bad shape!
The afternoon has been crazy busy! The reception area had a million people in it all afternoon. Right now there are a million people outside with horses and I am making them all wait will I finish this post Image may be NSFW.
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