The horse races were cancelled for the weekend, praise the LORD!!! They called on tuesday and said that because of the rain that was forecast no one was entering to run so they just cancelled them for this weekend and moved them to the 23-24th. I am so happy to have a few days off!
Up, barely, and off to the gym this morning. I have to say that I did not want to go! And if it wasnt for the fact that I hate working out with the losers who know nothing and irritate me later in the day, I would have slept and gone at some other time.
leg press
*445# for 5
*495# for 5
*600# for 5
*650# for 5
*670# for 5
I was a total dork and wasnt paying attention to the weights that were already on the machine and I thought that there were two 100# plates on each side. After my first two sets which were supposed to be 500# and 550#, I realized that there was only a 100# and a 45# on the right side other than that I was happy to have been able to get 670# this week.
good thing I took my pic before squats!
box squats
*135# for 5
*155# for 5
*175# for 5
*185# for 3
*195# for 2
I SUCK! that is all!
stiff legged deads
*100# for 5
*120# for 5
*140# for 5
*160# for 5
*180# for 5
and that was that. no situps as I was way behind and too tired anyway!
I have been doing a lot of pitbull ear crops lately. I think I am finally getting it down pretty good.
an alleged “gator” pit.
The morning went pretty smoothly and I got to go home and lay down for about 30 minutes and then went tanning. When I got back Devris husband came by to measure a gate that I needed to fix. As he was walking out the door the two frenchie pups followed him and I yelled at him to make sure he didnt run them over. Me and my stupid mouth. Sure enough when he got done measuring the gate and went to leave he ran over poor little alphie!
she has a very badly broken pelvis and I am not sure what exactly I am going to do about it yet. Right now we are just trying to stabilize her and will see how she is in the morning and decide what to do from there.
The afternoon hasnt been too too horrible. Had a walk in with an old dog that got bit on the jaw and broke it. It took 30 mins and a few cuss words to get it all wired back together but I got it eventually.
It has been raining on and off all afternoon and I have to go outside in it and look at some horses and I dont want to! Blah! Have a great weekend everyone and I shall see you again on Monday!