I am a huge slacker!! I have gotten so lazy with getting my post up. There are a few reasons for this, primarily because we have been completely swamped and it is hard to have the time to sit down and do it and partly because, well, there just hasnt been much interesting to write about so it isnt as fun to make a post without cool pics to go with it.
So saturday it was up at 4:30 and get Bama and Marley and Zacaroni loaded up and we hit the road to Tucson. It was raining pretty good most of the way and we stopped in Benson for a bathroom break and food. While waiting for the food I got the call that the races had been cancelled because of the rain. So we turned around and headed back home. I really didnt mind because I got to take a nap and do a bunch of nothing like make chocolate chip cookies and a big pot of chili beans!
Sunday it was back up at 4:30 and on the road again without knowing if they were going to cancel the races again or not as the decision was not being made until after 6 and it is a two hour drive and I cant be late. We were once again in Benson when the call came in that the races were on! They had sealed the track and the chance of rain was decreasing throughout the day.
The track at Rillito is very sandy and it can hold a lot of water. I walked a lot of it and it wasnt too bad. Like most small county tracks it is very ridgy with soft spots and then hard ridges from the tractor tires but these fair horses are pretty used to that type of footing and since it wasnt super sloppy they did well in it.
I forgot to break out my camera like a total loser so no pictures other than the one of Zac slapping Bamas butt and then one of Zac and I after the sixth race. There were only 7 races so we were out of there by 4:30 and home by 6:30.
It was up again at 4:30 on Monday to head to the gym for a chest workout.
Monday morning gym to myself!!
db bench press
*50# for 10
*55# for 8
*60# for 6
*65# for 3
*70# for FAIL!!!!
incline flys
*20# for 20
*25# for 16
*30# for 12
*35# for 9
military press on smith
*85# for 8
*95# for 6
*105# for 4
*115# for 1
incline situps
*15 for 2 sets
We were slammed all day at the office!!! The morning surgery schedule was full and didnt get finished until after noon and the afternoon was completely double booked and didnt stop all day!! I loved it but I was exhausted at the end of it.