Saturday we had a rabies clinic in greenlee county. January is a bit early for rabies clinics but I have 8 weeks of horse racing and will be unavailable during the time when we generally do them so the county animal control figured early was better than late. We left the clinic about 8am and headed out to Duncan which is about an hour away.
We were surprisingly busy at the first clinic for the whole 2 hours and it was cold!! It never got above 29 degrees. The animal control guys had a portable heater thing that was electric but used diesel to put out a flame. It is a pretty nifty little heater and works well. Bama, the one in the bright orange, is from alabama and this whole rural thing is new to her. She had never in her adult life peed outside, but she has now and she didnt realize that the heater was shooting out flames and she stood too close to it and caught her pants on fire!
She was so lucky that it wasnt worse. Thankfully she wasnt hurt, more just embarrassed and after knowing that she was fine I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.
The second stop was at the Morenci shopping plaza and we were busy from the time we started until 4pm when it was time to pack up and leave!! Thankfully it warmed up to the low 40s and was pretty comfortable the whole time.
We got back home at 5 and got the prolapsed cow in and pushed everything back in and sewed her up! I have to tell you that I was ready for bed at that time! There was an emergency at 9 freaking 30 of a dog that had been not acting right for hours. Really, wait until I am in bed! Grrrrr
Sunday was church and the service had just started when my phone started buzzing and buzzing and buzzing. I pulled it out of my pocket and it was Jenn. She was whispering and at first I thought something had happened to her daughter. Thankfully her daughter was fine and she was calling me to tell me that she and her husband had caught my old housekeeper, whom I fired for stealing my childrens piggy banks that had several thousand dollars each in them and a bunch of other stuff, in my house!! Jenn had seen angel the dobi acting weird and barking and she noticed someone walking behind the shop and into the back yard. They turned around and her husband went in the back yard and the door to my bedroom was open and he went in and could hear her. He came out and got Jenn and they went in together and Concha was standing by my bed!!
Jenn called the cops and they got there about the same time I did. I have to tell you that I was shocked, really, who does stuff like that. I went ahead and pressed charges because I cant have people breaking into my house every time they feel they need something to pawn off so they can buy more drugs or whatever!!
After church the monchers and I went out to their dads ranch to preg check a few head of cows for him.
I love my monchers!!!
Got home from that and did a bunch of nothing until bed time.
The usual out of bed at 4:30 and off to the gym before 6.
chest and shoulders
I am so glad that I have chest on mondays now because it is a better and easier workout to wrap my mind around when I dont want to get out of bed at 4:30!
bench press on smith
*95# for 10
*115# for 8
*135# for 6
*155# for 4
*175# fail!!
incline flys
*25# for 15
*30# for 12
*35# for 8
*40# for 6
lateral raises
*10# for 15
*15# for 12
*20# for 8
*25# for 6
the 25# is way too much for lateral raises and I wont go that heavy again. too much cheating with other muscles defeating the purpose of them.
*25 for 2 sets
Incline situps
*12 for 32 sets
Given that today was monday it was busy and we had two extra major surgeries besides our full schedule of spays and neuters. One was a hindlimb amputation on a dog that we had previously pinned the leg and it just wouldnt heal. It had been three months and it still wasnt healed and was causing the dog pain. The owners really struggled with the idea of the amputation but they couldnt afford to take it to a specialist for a bone graft and plate. The other dog was just an eye enucleation (reduntant, I know) of a young dog that came in on emergency friday night after having been bit in the head by an older dog. The zygomatic arch was broken as well as the mandible and the eye was protruding and had lost its blood supply.
The afternoon has been busy as well and we had a dog come in with a luxated hip that we are going to do a femoral head and neck osteotomy on tomorrow. It will be yet another good and busy week