Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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“Power Pyramid” week 4b – legs


I am getting so messed up on keeping up with my logs/blog!  I guess that is what happens when one gets busy and busy is a good thing as it keeps the bills paid and my office manager happy :)   All the way back to friday, can I remember that far back? :)   My life is pretty much always the same so I think I can give it  good shot.

Up and out of bed at the usual 4:30 and off to the gym at 6.


hack squats

*50# for 15

*70# for 15

*90# for 15

*110# for 15

*140# for 12

I am not really sure if the machine I used would classify as a hack machine but it was the closest thing I could think of.   I kept the weight light since it was my first time using it so I could get the hang of it.  It wasnt bad.  Anything is better than real squats for me :)


lying leg curls

*25# for 12

*35# for 10

*45# for 8

*55# for 5


leg extensions

*45# for 15

*55# for 15

*65# for 15

*75# for 15


seated calf raises

*50# for 20

*70# for 20

*90# for 20


Incline situps

*15 for 3 sets


The day was crazy busy.  We had a very full surgery schedule that included  a cruciate repair on a 75# golden retriever.   All that had to be accomplished in between interviews with the clinic attorney.   That is a long story that I wont go into other than to say that the attorney liked and enjoyed all my employees but didnt like me.  :)   I ramble too much and apparently he doesnt think I would be a good witness or good for much of anything.  He told me that he would tell me how to dress for the issue at hand.  I am not sure if he thinks I am incapable of dressing nicely or what but I dont care as long as he does his job.

I was the last one to interview with him and it took almost 2 hours which was all my down time after surgeries.  We had a double booked afternoon and a horse that had dropped off in the morning with a very large laceration on its left butt cheek AND a cow with a vaginal prolapse.


We did not get out of the clinic until after 5 to work on the horse and it was dark before we finished so we had to suture most of it by flashlight.  The dang horse was not a good anesthesia patient and tried to get up right after I got the umbilical tape holding sutures in.  I had to give it more drugs and then was able to suture it up.   It was really a lot worse than it looked at first.


It was very lucky that it didnt tear out the rectal sphincter.  It had lacerated about an inch and a half of it.  The owners just found it that way and had no idea what had happened.



The dude who dropped the cow off put her in the wrong stupid pen and she was on the fight so since it was almost seven o clock we just left her.  I will say that I did say a few choice words about him putting it in the wrong pen when he had been told exactly where to put it.

We had a few other small animals emrgencies come in later that night and it was late when I got to bed.  Blah, I hate late night bedtimes!

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