Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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DoggCrapp Reloaded B-1 (round 4)

Friday night was help Billie April move her beds and other big furniture that she needed so that she and her kids could sleep at the new place they are renting.  I had horses here until 6:30 so we were very late in getting over there to help and it was after 8 before we [...]

Vets for Veterans- LOGO

I am so very happy to be moving forward with a logo design for Vets for Veterans that is done professionally and isnt my wonderful attempt at drawing!   Jenn is friends with a photographer guy and his wife is a graphic designer and she gave us a heck of a deal on designing a [...]

Good Morning God=

Thank you Jesus for some sleep last night.  Thank you for your Holy Spirit that fills me and refreshes me each day that I seek you and ask for your filling!  Thank you that your mercies and grace are new each morning!  I ask that you keep me from distraction today and keep my eyes [...]

Disillusionment and Disenchantment

“Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; for why should he be esteemed?”  Isaiah 2:22   I am not a very big facebooker.  I have an account and I post all my blogs there but I only have about 40 friends and im ashamed to admit that I dont even pay [...]

DoggCrapp Reloaded C-1 (round 4)

My mind is a blurr today.  I cant remember what I did last night, ummmmmm monchers went to their dads, David and I had steak, and then there was an emergency and I guess that is it.  I slept terrible last night for some reason.   Zac came into crawl on top of me at about [...]

Good Morning God

Thank you Jesus for good deep sleep last night.  Thank you for a beautiful cool morning in which I got to spend much time in prayer and in your presence as I ran stairs.  Thank you for the lessons that you are teaching me.  Help me to be obedient to your voice no matter how [...]


“Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and the judgments which I am teaching you to perform, so that you may live and go in and take possession of the land which the LORD,  the God of your fathers, is giving you.  You shall not add to the word which  I am commanding you, nor [...]

Good Morning God-

Thank you Jesus for another night of good sleep.  Thank you that each day is renewed with your abounding mercy and grace!   Thank you that as I seek you in all that I do you are never far from me!   Thank you for the lessons that you teach me each day, drawing me closer to [...]

DoggCrapp Reloaded A-2 (round 4)

Had an emergency last night but thankfully it didnt take too long.   A little chihuahua dog that had 3 week old puppies and was hypocalcemic.   She actually was in pretty good shape considering her calcium was only 5.9 and low normal is 8.  We got a catheter in her and ran some calcium to her [...]

Vets for Veterans- Apple and Biscuit

Apple- She was abandoned at the clinic a couple of weeks ago because her owner found ticks on her.  Yep, a few ticks and she wouldnt even touch the poor little thing.   We treated her but she refused to take her and wanted to board her for 6 weeks until we were sure all the [...]

A Reminder about LOVE

  Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant  or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all [...]

Good Morning God+

Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep.  Thank you for little letters and red who snuggled so close that I couldnt move!  Keep them safe.  Thank you for my most beautiful and amazing little Emma Mae!  On this day 8 years ago she came into the world and she has made such an amazing [...]

Good Morning God

Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep and a renewed spirit this morning!  Thank you for your mercies and grace which are new and overflowing each morning!  Thank you for a good day yesterday!  Let your Holy Spirit fill me and wash me this day!  In all that I do I will praise you [...]

Leaving Sin behind!

  But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those of them whom you let remain shall be as barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land where you dwell.  And I will do to you as I [...]

“The Bossics Workout” week 3- back

Yesterday was Emmas 8th birthday and I was the biggest pig that ever walked the face of the earth   We had cake and subway at lunch and then green chili and tacos and other such yummy stuff and more cake and ice cream at night!  By the end of the day I was exhausted [...]

Good Morning God`

Thank you Jesus for this amazing and beautiful day that is filled with your mercy and grace!  Forgive me for my irritation and remove it from me, filling me instead with your joy and peace!  I will worship you this day!  Thank you for the incredible children that you have blessed me with.  Thank you [...]

Are you listening?

So I spoke to you, and you would not listen; but you rebelled against the command of the Lord and presumptuously went up into the hill country.   Then the Amorites who lived in that hill country came out against you and chased you as bees do and beat you down in Seir as far [...]

“The Bossics Workout” week 3- shoulders and arms

Yesterday is a blur in the mind.  I am pretty sure we were very busy all afternoon and then it was karate for Zac and then karate for Emma!  It would be so much nicer if they were able to be in the same class but alas, even though Zac is bigger than all the [...]

“The Bossics Workout” week 3 thoughts and rambles!

It is hard to believe it is friday already (although it could not have come soon enough) and another week of the Bossics program has come to an end.  I still have not yet managed to plead my way back into the good graces of the boss!  There was a time in my life when [...]

Good Morning God!

Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep with no interruptions!  Thank you for this beautiful day that is dawning!  Thank you for a great day yesterday.  I ask that you call in your sheep to the church!  Bring in those who have a heart to know you more and who seek a deeper relationship [...]
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