Since when did it become the employers job to go out of the way to make their employees job easier and make them happy?! The last time I checked it was the employees job to work hard to earn the money that the employer was paying them for! Such a backwards society we live in these days. It really irritates me and ruins my day if I dwell on it too much. When I was a kid, I was grateful to just have a job and when I didnt do it, I got fired and it was my fault for being a bad employee. It seems like now the more you try to help them, the more they take and take and take and expect you to do for them instead of being thankful and working harder. WHEW, got to stop now
Yesterday we went to Parker Brangus Ranch and bangs vaccinated heifers and semen tested bulls. There were 45 heifers and 37 sale yearlings and 6 herd sires. Everything went great and we had a wonderful lunch and got done in record time.
The beginning!
The girls did the ear tags and tattooing and I gave the vaccine.
Old spot is the keeper of the chute!
Billie probed.
Got to bed a bit later than I would have like due to a couple of emergencies but I slept like a rock! I was grateful as I needed it! UP at 4 am and out the door a bit after 5.
deads explosive
(Just on a side note, for some stupid reason, I want to eat everything and anything right now! That is not acceptable according to my diet guy :( )
Got to the gym and set my area up and when I was setting the bar on the mat I got a horrible cramp in my left hamstring. It is the second time this has happened and I have pondered it to be secondary to dehydration. I generally dont drink much water when I am on ranch calls because there generally isnt convenient places to pee. I will be more cognizant of it next time as it really makes my workout suck.
Warm up on the treadmill for 10 mins.
*135# for 20
*185# for 10
*225# for 5
*245# for 2
*265# for 5 sets of 2
I totally suck at being explosive :( No matter how hard I think in my mind, it just doesnt happen. I guess I need someone to hotshot me in the butt!
bent over rows
*115# for 4 sets of 10
incline situps
*35# for 2 sets of 20
The resolutionist are out in full force now :( There were almost 8 or 10 people in there when I left. I hope they have a schedule change soon.
This morning was very busy and we two extra spays that came in and werent on the books. Then there was an enucleation with the other eye being tattooed where the tattoo artist was coming at 10 am so everything had to be worked around that. The lobby was full all morning and I have yet to walk out the doors. Thank goodness I had some jerky in the truck because there was no lunch for me. Not that I need it as I am way over where my weight should be right now.
The afternoon hasnt been too bad. We are having to amputate the leg on a young dog that I repaired a fracture on earlier in the week. The owner did not keep the dog kenneled and it fell off the bed and broke the distal part of the bone and the pin is going through it. So now we are just cutting it off!
I am very glad that tomorrow is friday and even happier that the next day is saturday!!