It is really hard to believe that we are already in august! And not only are we in august but already almost half way through! Time flies whether you are having fun or not.
Saturday I did not want to get up and I didnt want to do anything but for some stupid reason I woke up at 4 and never could get back to sleep very well and so by 6 I figured i had just better get up. I had told Bri that I would take her to tucson to go back to school shopping if she came back from visiting her mother with normal colored hair and not additional piercings and such sort of things and she did so I dang sure wanted to make sure I honored my promise. If you are a parent, keep your promises!! You want your child to honor and respect you? Keep your promises and follow through on your threats. Unless of course you threaten to kill them, then just scare them
I figured I had best go to the gym even though I had no desire to!
stiff legged deads
*245# for 5
*265# for 5
*285# for 5
*bw for 4 sets of 15
seated leg curls
*85# for 4 sets of 10
and that was that and I had to go and get ready so we could get out of town.
While at the gym I had a client call and leave a message that it was time to put their horse to sleep. I had x rayed it a few months ago and it had severe laminitis and given the horses age I didnt figure it would be able to make it very long since it was secondary to cushings disease. The horse had been getting down and having trouble getting up for over a week and now wouldnt get up at all no matter how much they tried to help. I told them I would go by on my way to tucson. It made for about an hour and a half added to the usual two hour trip to tucson!
As much as I didnt want the delay I am glad that I could help this horse go peacefully for some good clients.
We had a good trip and she got some clothes and stuff that teenagers want and I bought her a skateboard because she has talked a lot about skateboarding.
We got back pretty late and it had been raining and I was sad that I had missed it. The power was out so we had dinner out and it was horrible and then home and to bed.
Sunday was church and then new nails afterwards. There were a few emergencies but nothing too exciting.
I finally slept good and it was very hard to get out of bed this morning!! Slowly out of bed at 4:30 and out the door before 6.
*175# for 3
*185# for 3
*195# for 3 totally missed depth on all three of these! such a loser but had this mental image when I was getting under the bar that I failed and dropped the weight and it made a big crash and blah blah blah and I totally let it ruin my lift!
*145# for 5 sets of 10
I didnt think I would live through the 5 x 10 but amazingly enough, I did. I kept telling myself it was only a minutes worth of work, I can do it for a minute!
I barely got the kids to school on time this morning. Dang Zac drags his feet more than any kid I know. He didnt have shoes on and he didnt have his lunch packed and he was playing out in the middle of a mud hole when I pulled up!! We made it there right as the bell was ringing.
I think Charlie will be ready to go home this week. His dad is on vacation and when he gets back, Charlie can go. We are going to miss him terribly as he has become part of our family!!
The bone now has granulation tissue coming up on the long part of it and I couldnt be happier!!
The morning went smoothly and I had a teeth cleaning at 11. Thank goodness I am now on the every 6 months plan instead of the every 6 year plan because it isnt near as painful as it was the last couple of times.
The afternoon is booked and I hope it goes quickly because I am so tired!! Zac starts football practice tonight and he is very excited. We are switching karate to tues and thurs and then football is M-F from 5-7. We will have to see if he can keep up with everything with school, if not then karate will have to go on hold for a few months.
Well, time to go to work. I am hoping for some interesting cases to keep me awake