Ughhhh! Whatever sickness Zac was suffering from yesterday he is trying to pass off to me! Now, I do not get sick very often, in fact even when everyone in the clinic was passing every crud out there around, I stayed good. For all intents and purposes I am not really sick, just blah feeling. There is apparently some stomach bug going around and I feel kind of like I have to throw up but not really like I do, doesnt make any sense does it. Anyway, regardless, I dont exactly feel good and I hate not feeling good.
Had a massage on saturday and didnt do much of anything else. Sunday was church and then Devri did my fingernails and toes!
They are pretty darn cool if you ask me. My toes are matching pink!
Got to bed much later than I had wanted and it was hard to get up at 4:30. But up and out the door before 6 it was.
Wave 2 – bench
*80% – 130# for 3
*85% – 135# for 3
*90%- 145# for 2 GRRRR
totally loser on the last set! It was supposed to be for 3 and I failed big time!
*50%- 80# for 5 sets of 10 with 30 secs rest between sets.
Incline bench
*70# for 5 sets of 10 with 30 secs rest between sets.
The only really good thing about todays workout is that my handsome boy went with me!
Incline situps
*22 for 2 sets
*25 for 2 sets
The day was a typical monday. It was very very busy and tons of walk ins and such! We had a sick foal show up at noon so I spent lunch moving panels around so that it had shade and then put in an IV catheter and ran in fluids. The poor thing is a failure of passive transfer and we had to give it endoserum to see if we can help it fight off the infection that it has going. Poor Ruthie and Billie April had to stay out in the heat all day making sure it didnt rip out its catheter.
The afternoon was double booked and it went by fast and ended well after we closed!! Blah, I am tired and I am headed to bed. See you all tomorrow!