I cant believe it is monday already! Holy moly does time go by fast!
So the weekend was pretty uneventful. Saturday was one emergency first thing and then an hour and a half massage which was wonderful. After that Devri did my nails and we had a fantastic time visiting and such. After nails it was a brief nap, sort of, and then off to see Iron Man 3 in 3D. I was a bit disappointed given that so many had said it was amazing and great. It was good but there were several times when it got pretty slow and not very interesting. Sunday was church and a nap and that was pretty much it.
Woke up at usual time and was out the door before 6.
Deads and back
*245# for 5 sets of 8
I am so disgusted with myself because I can not for the life of me figure out how to stop rounding my back!! Ughhhh!
*80# for 4 sets of 10
seated v bar rows
*80# for 4 sets of 10
only did 4 sets of the above 2 because I was running out of time!
Incline situps
*22 for 2 sets
It was a crazy morning! We were very short staffed and it was a typical monday with the phone ringing off the hook and a bazillion people walking in by the boat load it seemed. We had an extra surgery show up that was scheduled for tomorrow. Thankfully it was just an ear crop on a pitbull. I was starting to dread doing ear crops as I had two in a row that didnt turn out as well as I would have liked but thankfully the last several have been good.
We finished up just in time for me to run over to the house and get something to eat and then get over to the school to watch Emma in the school talent show. She made it to the finals doing the hula hoop and playing her violin.
She did so awesome and I was so proud of her!
The afternoon has been busy and we just had a horse show up for castration so I had best get my butt cheeks a moving. Allegedly there are some pigs coming in for hernia evaluation? Blah, I certainly hope not! I HATE pig medicine or surgery of any kind!